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Bring Your A Game, Mr novel Chapter 210

Chapter 210 That Day…

Elise clicked open the messages and scrolled to the top. Then, she read the messages one by one until she reached the bottom. The expression on her face changed from being startled to having a slight smile. Finally, her mood had taken a turn for the better.

“Boss, there’s a delivery for you,” Danny said, holding a bouquet of roses as he walked into the room. The entire class erupted into cheers when they saw this scene.

He placed the roses in front of Elise. “Boss, these are your flowers!”

Elise blinked several times. She could guess what had just happened, but that was not all. The delivery guy then rushed over and passed a box of chocolates to her. “There’s a box of chocolates as well—I almost forgot about them. Please sign here, Miss Sinclair.”

She took the pen from him and signed her name, but Danny could not help complaining, “Boss, who is this person? He is so old-fashioned! Who still sends roses and chocolates nowadays? Could it be…”

When he reached this point, he quickly covered his mouth, but there was a wide grin on his face before he laughed out loud.

“Boss, don’t tell me this is from Alexander? He is so old-fashioned! Look at the times we are in now, yet he still sends girls roses and chocolates—”

Elise quickly interrupted him and held the bouquet of roses. “Oh—just shut up! You don’t even give girls roses and chocolates. Serves you right for being single!”

Upon hearing that, Danny grumbled deep down, Now she’s just insulting me!

However, Elise ignored him and smiled slightly as she held the bouquet of roses in her hands.

After a while, she took out her phone and opened all the notifications of the bank transfer and read all of them. Upon seeing this, Danny widened his eyes.

“Boss, is this for real? That’s so many bank transfers!” He did not forget to rub his eyes to make sure that he wasn’t seeing things. When he saw the person who transferred the money to her, he immediately said, “My goodness! Alexander is too generous. Even I want to be his girlfriend!”

A pained expression then appeared on Danny’s face. Alas, I’m not a woman!

“Boss, give me some of the money too! There isn’t much of my allowance left for the rest of this month.”

Elise raised her head and looked at him before saying, “I have no problem in sharing some of the money with you, but can you retract your words just now?”

Danny quickly nodded profusely. “Of course I can! Alexander is not old-fashioned at all; I’m the old-fashioned one. It’s the current trend to give girls roses and chocolates.”

However, Elise shook her head. “Not this.”

“What, then?”

“You have no chance to be my rival, not even in your next life!” Elise said with conviction. It was only at this moment that Alexander said pitifully, “Boss, it was just a joke. For a man like Alexander, only you can handle him. Apart from that, I’m straight and I have no interest in batting for my own team.”

Upon hearing that, Elise pursed her lips and smiled. “Alright. I’ll give you some of it.”

With that, she transferred 88 to him without a second thought. Danny looked at her gratefully and said, “Thank you boss!”

Meanwhile, after Alexander saw that Elise had read his messages, he immediately called her. However, after a few rings, his call was being hung up.

Elise sent him a message. ‘Class is starting soon. We can talk later.’

Seeing that she finally replied to him, he finally stopped worrying. Seems like Cameron’s methods are quite useful indeed. Or do they work on every girl? No matter what, the tension between Elise and I is finally resolved.

‘Meet me at the school entrance this afternoon. I’ll pick you up.” The very next second, he received a reply. ‘Ok.’


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