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Bring Your A Game, Mr novel Chapter 6

Elise’s lips curved up in a smile, making her gorgeous face look especially charming. “Sorry, but I have no time for that,” she replied. Then, she dropped her helmet, turned around, and walked away.

Jamie looked at Danny with a gloating smirk. “Hehe, you’ve lost. How does it feel, huh? Look who’s eating their own words now?”

Danny’s face was livid with rage, but he was at a loss for a retort.

Just then, Elise walked up to them. “Take me back to my place.”


“Gotcha, Boss,” Jamie replied before leaving with Elise in a servile manner.


Seeing how displeased Alexander looked behind him, Danny asked in puzzlement, “Did you let her win the race because she’s pretty, Alexander?”

Alexander gave Danny a dirty look before glancing at Elise’s receding figure. He had a vague feeling that the figure seemed somewhat familiar to him, but for a moment, he couldn’t recall where he had seen it.



Elise went to sleep happily after getting the five million. The next morning, she put on her unfashionable makeup and her wig again. Meanwhile, the scene downstairs was rather lively, with all the Griffith siblings present except Alexander.


“Here’s a photo of her. She’s a real knockout, isn’t she? The way she raced last night was so cool! Now that I think about it, Alexander losing to her wasn’t all that bad after all.”

The other three glanced at the photo, which had been taken last night by one of Danny’s friends. They discussed with great interest how Alexander had lost the race.

“Hahaha! How rare it is to hear that the unbeaten Alexander has actually been defeated!”

“She’s a stunner indeed. How I wish I could get her to model for our company,” said Brendan, who owned a designer label.

“It’s a shame that she doesn’t enter show business with such good looks,” said Jack, a Best Actor winner, with a sigh.


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