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Bring Your A Game, Mr novel Chapter 95

Chapter 95 Jealousy

Alexander got to his feet. “I don’t think I’ll be able to join today, Mr. Smith. I have some personal matters to handle. We can make plans to drink some other day.” Alexander had made himself clear, and Theodore quickly understood the message—Alexander wasn’t interested in Tiffany at all! Theodore wasn’t a petty man, and he didn’t attempt to coerce Alexander into anything since he had gotten a clear answer. “No worries, Mr. Griffith. I’m sure we’ll have tons of opportunities to meet again in the future.”

Tiffany stomped her foot, feeling annoyed. “Why don’t you spend a little more time with me, Alexander?” But Alexander merely pulled himself away from her. “I have other matters to handle, Miss Smith. I’ll excuse myself now.” Alexander strode out of the room, leaving the two siblings behind. They exchanged glances with each other before Theodore spoke up. “Did you realize how Alexander’s gaze shifted the moment Miss Sinclair entered the room? He didn’t look away from her at all.”

Tiffany didn’t agree with her brother. “You’ve got it all wrong, Theodore! That woman is hideous. How could Alexander ever fall for a girl like her? You’re offending Alexander by saying that.”

Upon hearing his sister, Theodore didn’t make any further comments. From a male’s perspective, I think it’s extremely obvious that there’s something special about the way Alexander looks at Elise. But Tiffany will probably get annoyed at me if I say anything, so I should just keep my mouth shut. “Well, Alexander doesn’t seem too interested in you. Perhaps you can find a new target?” Theodore asked meekly.

“No. I think Alexander’s the perfect fit for me,” Tiffany replied in a firm tone. “I have to be with him. I don’t care how you do it, Theodore, but you need to make sure that we date each other in the end.”

She’s truly fallen head over heels for a man this time, Theodore thought. The most I can do as her brother is to try to bring the two of them together.

After Samantha successfully brought Elise back into their karaoke room, Elise had lost all interest in singing. All Elise could think of then was how Alexander and Tiffany looked as they stood together earlier—the same scene kept replaying in Elise’s mind and refused to leave her alone. It was nearly midnight when the four of them finished singing their songs.

“How are you and Elise going home, Mikayla?” Samantha asked once they all stepped out of the karaoke center.

Mikayla glanced at her phone. “My driver’s picking me up in a bit. You guys can go ahead first.”

“What about you, Elise?” Samantha asked. Elise was just about to speak when a blaring car horn interrupted their conversation. Elise turned around to find Alexander’s car stopped by the side of the road. “My ride’s here, so I’ll leave now,” she uttered while waving at the other three of them. Her ride sped past her three friends after she hopped into the car.

Neither one of them said anything after Elise got into the car, and things seemed rather awkward between them for a while. Elise bit on her lower lip before she decided to break the silence. “Were you waiting for me?”

Alexander responded to her question while staring straight and steering the car. “No. I ended about the same time as you did.” He was clearly lying—he simply didn’t want Elise to know the truth.

“You seem pretty close to Miss Smith. Did you guys know each other before this?” she asked. Alexander raised an eyebrow and stole a glance at Elise in the rearview mirror. For some reason, Elise felt the need to justify her question. “Don’t misunderstand my intentions. I was just asking a random question. You don’t have to answer me if you don’t want to.”

Alexander shifted his focus back onto the road. “She was my junior at university, so I have known her since then.”

“Oh…” Elise mumbled and fell silent once she got her answer. She hadn’t realized the hint of jealousy in her as she posed him the question.

“Thank you for tonight. Theodore wouldn’t have agreed to sign the contract if it weren’t for you. I’m surprised—you can be pretty smart in critical situations, huh?” Alexander wasn’t stingy with his compliments, and his words made Elise blush.

“I was just going along with what you said. I hadn’t expected to actually help in getting the partnership contract signed,” Elise muttered. All along, Alexander understood why Theodore had been taking his time to sign the contract. Alexander didn’t want to expose his intentions, so Elise’s presence made things much easier for him.

Alexander narrowed his eyes. “One way or another, I couldn’t have done this without you. I owe you one. You can just let me know if you need any help in the future.”


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