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C.A.K.E novel Chapter 8

Elliott makes it back to his home around one in the morning. He hadn't intended to be this late getting home. But he hates leaving things half done. If he didn't get the samples ready for testing, it could have been weeks before the lab had another opening. This case has been delayed long enough already.

He spends a few moments just sitting in his car and staring at the concrete wall of the parking structure in front of him. Aside from his constant work-related stress, his personal life is threatening to strain him even more than usual. His kids are back in town much earlier than expected. Much earlier than the court-ordered agreement he and Melinda signed says they should be. It's not likely Melinda approved their trip home. Otherwise, he would have gotten a call from her. And that can only mean that she's gearing up for one of her legendary rampages.

He runs a hand over his face, rubbing at his eyes. Exhaustion creeps through every part of him. The last thing he wants to do this week is to deal with his ex-wife. He sighs and gets out of the car, praying that this isn't the calm before a massive storm.

“Good morning, Dr. Stone.”

Edward, the night concierge, greets him. Though he knows the building has 24/7 concierge service, hearing the young man's voice stops his tired trek across the lobby.

“Morning, Edward.” Eli adjusts the bag on his shoulder and catches his breath. “Don't you ever take a break?”

“Not for more than five minutes.” He shrugs. “Never know when someone might need something.”

“Right. Then don't let me distract you from your post.” He waves goodnight to Edward over his shoulder, as he steps on the elevator.

The apartment is quiet when he steps inside. Eli expected the twins to be waiting up to explain their sudden runaway status. But nothing is moving in the moonlit darkness of their living room.

Elliott puts his things away in the study, before heading for the master bedroom. He leans against the door frame to smile at the sight on the bed. His three favorite people are fast asleep on top of the plush bedding.

Rowan and Teagan are sprawled across the bottom of the bed, while Arden lies at the head of it with her knees pulled toward her chest. They're still dressed like they all passed out in the middle of a department store ad.

Eli removes his shoes one at a time and sets them at the foot of the bed. He climbs onto the covers and moves toward Arden's sleeping form. Thanks to the memory foam mattress, his arrival doesn't disturb the slow breathing of his family.

He rests his hand on Ardi's waist. Then he lets his grip drift lower, excited by the way this particular pair of Levi's is hugging her bottom. Eli slides closer so that he's spooning her body, hooking an arm around her middle.

Being next to her warmth flushes the fatigue out of his tired bones, replacing it with another basic need. A certain part of him is now very much awake and knocking at the zipper of his jeans.

Elliott brushes Arden's hair off her neck and buries his face there. Nothing has the power to make him feel whole again like holding his wife.

For a moment, he just breathes her in. Vanilla and brown sugar, with a hint of citrus—her scent must be what heaven smells like. He takes another deep breath and tightens his grasp on her waist. He kisses her neck, tasting every glimpse of her skin.

Arden stirs and places her hand over the arm he has tucked around her waist. She sighs and arches her back so that her butt is pressed firmly against his crotch.

“I really hope your name is Elliott,” she whispers.

“Turn over and find out.” He plants another kiss at the back of her neck.

“What if I don't like what I see?”

“Then keep your eyes closed.” He gives her hair a slight tug and grinds his growing erection against her backside. “I know you'll like what you feel.”

“A cocky one, huh?”

He puts his lips to her ear. “The biggest.”

She stifles a laugh, turning her head into the comforter. He tightens his grip on her waist, barely able to contain himself now.

“You seem very sure of yourself. But ...” Arden moves her hips in tortuous circles. “I'm not convinced yet.”

He flips her onto her back and positions himself between her legs. Their eyes meet and smile at the mutual desire reflected in them. He keeps his body raised above hers, by resting his weight on his forearm. Eli places his other hand on her neck, making her hold his gaze.

“Doing a lot of talking for someone in your position.” He licks his lips, while his attention falls on the two buttons that have been left undone on her blouse.

As she breathes, the fabric shifts. Her breasts play a mean-spirited game of peek-a-boo with him, from the cover of her thin shirt.

“Then shut me up.”

He meets her eyes again and shakes his head. “You got a mouth on you.”

Arden pouts her lips at him, then skims the inside of her lip with her tongue. “Wait 'til you see what I can do with it.”

Eli claims her lips with his. Their exchange is desperate. Her chest rises each time their lips part like he's stealing a piece of her with every kiss. He slips his hand underneath her shirt.

She pulls away from his lips and smirks. “I don't know where your hands have been.”

“Me either.” He grins. “But I know where they're going.”

Their lips meet again. She moans into his kiss when his grip greets one of the girls.

“Hey, Zack and Miri.” Rowan's voice startles them. “Y'all do realize we're still in the room?”

“On the same bed?” Teagan adds. “And we can hear you.”

Rowan raises his hand in his sister's direction. “Did she mention that we can hear you?”

Elliott and Arden separate like horny teenagers who just got caught behind the bleachers.

They slide back on the bed, with the decorative pillows and headboard providing some much-needed support. The pair adjusts their rumpled clothing and smooths each other's hair, in an attempt to regain some of the authority they just lost.

“All right, get up here.”

“I do not need a visual aid, Dad.” Rowan shields his eyes.

“Ro, Tea ... Come here.”

Arden's sugary sweet voice beckons them, and they obey. They're helpless seafarers against her siren call. Though unlike those deceptive beauties, Arden is a safe haven.

The twins settle in between Ardi and Eli. They ignore their dad's stare, and that vein in his neck that's thumping under his flushed skin.

“Does your mother know you're here?”

“Of course. She's sitting right here,” Teagan answers, pointing at Arden.

Eli groans. Teagan knows what he meant. He doesn't correct her, though. Arden is their mother. She's nursed them back from every fever, and been there for every honor or competition.

He regrets the decision he made twelve years ago every time he looks at Arden. They would have made beautiful children together. Maybe that's what burned Melinda up, made her be so vindictive.

One of the conditions of their agreement was that he couldn't tell Arden about the vasectomy. But he did. He couldn't have her thinking something was wrong with her body when they didn't get pregnant. She deserved to know.

Being the understanding soul that she is, she said that wasn't a deal-breaker for her. Arden claimed she didn't want kids. So his deliberate infertility was a blessing.

That was the first, and to his knowledge, the last time she lied to him.

Her bond with Rowan and Teagan was instant. There was no way she hadn't dreamed of showering her infallible maternal instinct on children of her own. He knew she was settling for him, and he was selfish enough to let her do it.

He starts his line of questioning again. This time he refers to the twins' biological mother by her first name. As they do, when she's not around.

“Does Melinda know you two are here?” he asks.


The readers' comments on the novel: C.A.K.E