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Caged Between the beta and alpha novel Chapter 100

“Are you ok?” Zack asked, looking at me.

I frowned and nodded as we continued towards the hospital to check on Owen. A daily afternoon routine, although it didn’t feel like there was any hope of him waking up.

“Yeah, I don’t know, I’m good.” I said rubbing my forehead.

I was ok, in fact, I felt… great.

Last night… What Liam did, I knew he did it without thinking. The bullets shot would have killed me or anyone else. They were deadly. Luckily, Haru only had one arm. He didn’t have the time to reload the damn gun for another round of shots. I didn’t even want to think about the casualties if he was at his best

But it wasn’t that which was on my mind, or the fact of seeing Raven and Liam together. It hurt less than thought it would, in a way… I felt free…

Last night’s dream returned to me once again…


The sun was shining through the trees as I lay under it, the grass dancing in the wind.


“Who’s there?” I called sitting up.

I was alone in this field… strange.

The soothing touch of fingers running through my curls made me turn, but there was no one there.

“You’ve been through so much… it’s time to let it all go…’ That same whispery, beautiful voice came.

“Let what go?”

‘The pain child… I am proud of you.’

I felt those same fingers touch my chest, a soothing coolness spreading within me, and my heart thudded, feeling the gaping hole left at the breaking of the bond vanish from inside me.

What was that?

“Who are you?”

‘You are so much more… So much more… Remember who you are… Believe in yourself, the way I believe i n you! 1


I had woken up in bed, breathing hard, but the strangest thing was the loss of Raven was still there in my mind, yet the gaping hole in my chest was… gone.

I had a feeling who that may have been but… she wouldn’t visit me… I was no one imp

I stopped mid-thought, remembering those parting words. So much more…’

I guess I had gotten into a habit of It…

Why me though?

I looked at the sky for a moment, knowing I would never get the answer to that before we stepped into the hospital.

Liam and Raven… I’m glad they’re happy.

How did I feel…? Pretty neutral… I loved Raven, but seeing her with Liam changed a lot of stuff. It was going to take me a little time. But today… I didn’t feel like I was just surviving. I felt like I was ok, that the future was going to be brighter.

We approached Owen’s room only to see a few doctors around his bed.

“What the…” I muttered as Zack opened the door.

“What happened?!” He asked.

“He woke up, but he… he won’t make it.” One of the doctors said using the defibrillator on him. “Again!”

The blaring sound of the heart rate monitor remained flat.

Twice… thrice… Nothing helped.

I stared at the man before me, thinking he was gone, and with it, any chance of finding answers…

“Did he say anything before he passed?” Zack asked.

“He did say something.” One of the male nurses replied, frowning.

“What was it?” I asked, thinking who would be the one to tell Owen’s parents he was gone?

If he came out of this innocent… which we were pretty sure he was… then he had died with his reputation tarnished, even if he was a grade-A asshole.

“She isn’t done.”

My stomach sank and I turned away, running a hand through my hair.

“Fuck.” Zack growled.

“He probably knew something… maybe that’s why he was targeted.” I muttered.

The killer was still out there, and they seemed to have bought themselves some more time. 1

Tleft the hospital with my head spinning. Was it the killer who had helped Raven’s dad? We all knew he’d had help.

I sighed heavily, the sun beating down on me as I continued walking, mulling over everything. This time w e needed a plan to lure the killer out; this time we couldn’t just let them do what they wanted.

The other thing was the graveyard. Although the suggestion to dig up some of the fresher soil and see if w e could find anything was put forward, no one really wanted to do that, knowing it would upset the parents of those buried there.

A familiar scent hit my nose and I glanced up, spotting Robyn sitting under a tree, a notebook and pen in hand. She was dressed for the weather in shorts and a fitted top.

Still alone… like always. 1

She looked up, as if feeling watched.

“Hi.” She said, looking back at her diary.


Our eyes met and my heart skipped a beat, throwing me off,

“If you have nothing to say. Nicholson, move on.” She replied.

“Ouch, you got harsh.” I joked, still not approaching her.

“I’ve always been straightforward, remember? The reason I have no friends.” She said, returning to her diary. 2

She was a good person. People needed to just look past her blunt personality, but even that was a good trait of hers, or so I thought anyway.

“Yeah, I guess so.”

She really had shut me out. She stood up, her eyes softening, and she gave me a small apologetic smile a s she walked over to me,

“I’m sorry Damon, but I can’t do this: Pretend that everything is ok, I’m not you.” She whispered, the pain in her eyes unmasked for a moment.

“I’m not expecting anything, I’m sorry I didn’t mean-”

She placed a finger to my lips and nodded in understanding.

“I know, it’s just that you’ve been hurt enough, and I don’t want to hurt you anymore.” She said, before turning and walking off.

| swallowed hard; I know what she meant… when she found her mate… She was right, I needed to stay away from her and if that meant even a hi or bye… then that too.

It was late in the afternoon, I knocked on Liam’s office door before stepping inside.

To my surprise, he was alone. I don’t know why, but I was expecting Raven to be here with him. His aura was stronger than ever, and his eyes still shone magnetic blue. Were they going to stay like that, like Dante’s?

“Nice eyes.” I said with a smirk.

“Thanks, 1 kind of like them.” He joked back; they just made his scar look even more piercing.

The atmosphere seemed to lighten, and he smiled slightly.

My gaze fell to his neck, seeing Raven’s mark on him. I smiled. It was… bittersweet, I guess.

“Did you hear about Owen’s final words?” I asked.


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