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Caged Between the beta and alpha novel Chapter 103

Two hours had passed and Liam still wasn’t back … After showering , we filled Aunty Red in on everything over some hot drinks . Although she was keeping me company , the mention of Hank Williamson had made her go into deep thought , so I gave the couple some privacy , calling it a night . I had pondered on everything , mind linking Damon and Taylor , asking how he and Zack were doing now .

I had texted Kiara for a bit as well , but I knew it was late and having three little chibis to look after wasn’t easy . I sighed , staring up at the night sky through the open curtains , smiling sadly . We had caught the killer , but Renji’s grave … what she had done made me sick . I wrapped my arms around my legs , burying my head in my knees . She had thrown his remains away … the last I had o f him … No sound escaped me , yet tears trickled down my cheeks

A short while later , the door opened , then Liam’s scent mixed with earth and dust hit me . I quickly wiped my tears away , looked up and our eyes met . He came over , placed the case he was carrying on the bed , and was about to pull me into his arms when he hesitated , glancing at himself , before quickly pulling his dirty top off and scooping me up into his arms . ” Why did you take so long ? ” I asked , unable to stop myself . ” I needed to make things better .

” He said quietly , his fingers weaving into my hair a s he stared down at me , kissing me softly . I looked at him , resting my head on his chest , closing my eyes as I clung to him , enjoying the warmth of his embrace and those pleasant sparks of the bond . ” I brought you something . ” ” He said softly . ” Hmm ? ” ” I cleared Renji’s grave out .

That place is no longer tainted … I know that she got rid of … his remains … but always remember that he’s always been a part of you . ” He said softly caressing my cheek as he stared into my eyes . ” He lives on as a part of you bitesize , and no one could take that away from you ; not your parents , not Nina , no one . 11 My heart thudded at his words , and I realised how true that was . Renji’s eye was still a part of me , I still had him by m y side . ” But I still thought you might want something more of him , so I did a little digging and found this . ” He unwrapped one arm from around me and reached for the case , opening it up with one hand .

My stomach did a flip as I stared at the blue baby shawl . I knew what this was : Renji’s things … a case of his memories ! I moved forward , taking the blanket out . The smell of old mothballs lingered but m y heart soared , Renji’s belongings . Liam kissed my forehead softly , running his fingers through my hair as I stared at the box of treasure before me .

” I’ll go shower . ” He said softly . I glanced up at him , nodding , knowing he was giving me a moment alone . His lips pressed against mine , softly sending sparks coursing through me before he moved away , leaving me a little lightheaded . I turned back to the case , slowly taking each item out . Photographs … I looked through them , my heart thudding loudly .

He looked like me … There were so many similarities … Although I knew he had been a couple years old , it was clear he was a lot smaller than he should have been for his age and he was extremely thin . There were a few pictures where he had a head full of black hair , but there were where he was bald . I smiled sadly at many the picture . Was it selfish to wish he was alive ?

I just hope he’s in a good place . Did heaven exist ? 2 I hugged the picture to my chest , tears spilling down my cheeks as I rocked myself gently . Renji … I had almost finished looking at the pictures when I stared at the last one .

Mom and Dad were sitting on either side o f Renji , who was holding a baby in his arms , with Mom supporting him , all smiling at the camera … Me . That was me . Before our family fell apart … One by one , I took the things out of the case , some items of clothing , a small teddy bear … It felt bittersweet … This moment … I would always cherish these items .

I slowly replaced them , keeping one photo aside to keep close to me and looked down at the case . Liam must have gone to the attic at my parents house , my heart warmed at his thoughtful gesture . He came out of the bathroom , in a pair of grey sweatpants , which made him look far too sexy . My core clenched , my eyes dipping to those abs and the bulge in his pants . Remembering how he made me feel The ache between my legs was only now fading … ***

His hair was dried , crearly he had delayed to give me time alone . I placed the case on the floor near the bed , my eyes raking over him , wanting him to come over so I could snuggle into his arms or pounce him . ” Want to say something ? ” He asked , running his fingers through his hair . Damn a guy with messy hair is so sexy … not to mention the volume in it …


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