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Caged Between the beta and alpha novel Chapter 55

Clarity RAVEN

” You are going to feel guilty , but we both know staying in this situation is hurting you all .

” He said softly .

I could feel how bad he felt saying that , but it was the truth .

” Putting aside everything … Let’s play a game .

I ask a question and you pick which one you would choose .

” He added , slapping his thigh as the idea popped in his head .

Putting aside everything … (Read Everyday Updated Chapters m.techkaushal.com) The curse included .

Because that was what I used to make myself feel better every time I felt guilty for how I was treating Damon , but that was not an excuse .

” Ok … ” I said , playing with the tab on my can .

” Now picture them both standing right there … Which one will you hug first ? ” I frowned as the answer came to me .

” Liam … because- ” ” We’re not justifying why here … Block that all out and just think about your instant answers , I don’t want any breaks , you have got to answer fast , ok ? Whoever comes to mind first .

” ” Ok .

” I groaned .

” Both are hurt in a battle with rogues ? Which one will you tend to first ? ” ” Liam .

” I said , feeling another flash of guilt through me .

No matter the answer , I still felt guilty .

” If you did something that they told you not to who will you confess to first ? ” On ” Damon . ” Who do you want to fuck ? ” ” Li – hey ! ” Taylor chuckled .

” Soo … You done it yet ? Details … now ! ” ” Stop it ! We haven’t !

” I said , blushing as I remembered what happened earlier .

Oh , my dear goddess , that was naughty ! Liam was naughty … That side of him ….

My heart skipped a beat and I pushed it away .

” Ok , then which one do you want to cuddle up to in bed ? ”

” Liam … ” ” Cuddle with over a movie ? ” ” Both ? ” I pouted .

” They both came to mind ! ” ” So something you would do with a friend .

” Taylor said .

” Ok … Out of curiosity , which one have you kissed ? ” ” Both , but Damon only once .

” I replied pouting ” Damn girl ! Dare I ask how many times you’ve kissed Liam ? ” He teased .

I sighed .

” It’s because Damon said- ” ” Stop justifying it , we are talking about your feelings here .

” He said softly , giving my hand a squeeze before dipping his fries into the ketchup .

I nodded , thinking about Damon once more .

Deep down , I knew who I favoured , but I hated myself for it .

There’s no guilt or shame in loving someone … It doesn’t make you bad to feel stronger for one over the other .

Can you imagine being with Damon and rejecting Liam ? “

Life without Liam ….

My heart clenched painfully and my eyes stung .

The fear of the curse and what if that becomes a reality … His words from earlier echoed in my mind ; ‘ when you are mine … ‘ I knew he could sense my hesitation … It hurt so damn much .

I was a n awful mate to both .

I placed my face in my hands as the tears came , no longer able to hold them back .

” Damn , I’m sorry Raven ! ” Taylor’s panicked voice came .

I shook my head , but I was unable to stop .

I knew what I had to do , but just thinking about it broke me .

I didn’t want to hurt him … I couldn’t hurt him ….

I sobbed loudly , clamping my hands over my mouth as I bent down , pressing my forehead to my knees as I tried to stop my tears .

(Read Everyday Updated Chapters m.techkaushal.com) Taylor’s arms wrapped around me and held me tight .

” Shit , I’m sorry Raven … I’m damn sorry … P ” Don’t be … You just made me realise I am doing more damage than good .

‘ I whispered through the link .

He stroked my back and I felt ridiculous crying like this , but I realised all my life I just stayed quiet because it was easier .

We couldn’t do this anymore , I couldn’t do this anymore .

I wanted all my firsts to be special , not constantly worrying about what the other might be thinking or the fact that I kept feeling guilty .

” I’m going to say this to myself as much a s to you , ” Taylor said , kissing the top of m y head .

” Life isn’t perfect or easy … The stories of soul mates and their eternal love are only sugar – coated versions of reality .


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