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Caged Between the beta and alpha novel Chapter 58


I ran into the Jacobs home a minute or so behind Liam , only to see him running down the stairs with Raven’s body in his arms .

” What the … ” 11 ” I need to get her to the hospital .

She’s injured and I think there’s poison in her system .

She isn’t healing ! Her mom’s dead .

” He said , the fear and worry in his eyes tearing at my own heart .

I nodded , knowing he was the fastest to get her there … but to my surprise , he held her out to me , his cerulean eyes full of pain .

” Make sure she’s ok .

” He said , his voice hoarse .

My heart thudded as I took her in my arms .

She was tiny and didn’t weigh much at all , her head falling against my chest .

I nodded , not saying anything then turning and running from the house .

I knew he wanted to find whoever did it , and I could see the pain in his eyes as he let her go .

I could feel her blood coating my arm , which meant she wasn’t healing .

Was it the same poison that was killing the people around us ? If it was , it meant we’d be able to save her .

The fact that the killer let the body shut down itself by using a mix of ricin , silver and wolfsbane was very intelligent .

I quickly mind linked the head doctor and told him I was on my way , filling him in o n the situation and carrying my little mate as I ran as fast as I could .

When a pack member is killed , or when they broke pack ties or joined another pack , the Alpha would feel the pack link break .

But when an ill person passes away or if someone is dying slowly , it wasn’t really noticeable to the Alpha .

The tug was so subtle , you wouldn’t realise it at all .

These murders shut down the organs first , slowly yet surely .

The fact that they seemed to have thought this entire thing out so fucking cleverly worried me .

Time was running out and we were no closer to the truth .

I rushed to the room the nurse guided me too and placed Raven on the bed , placing a kiss on her forehead .

She was pale and looked so fucking fragile ….

The ” Please step outside Beta Damon ! ” T doctor said , before he began to shout orders .

” She’s been poisoned , get the antidote for silver and wolfsbane .

The Alpha said there may be ricin ! We need to pump it from her body .

Hook her up , check her blood pressure !

” I was pushed from the room , my heart thundering at the clear worry on the doctor’s face .

We couldn’t lose her .

I tried t o contact Liam , but all I reached was a block , Fuck ! ‘ How is she ? ‘ Taylor’s strained voice came through the link .

‘ I don’t know yet .

Where’s Liam ? ” I asked .

‘ He’s trying to search for clues .

He’s angry and I feel so damn guilty .

I’m sorry , I swear I feel like shit .

I didn’t hear her leave or I would have gone with her … I’m sorry , I know she’s your two’s mate and I can’t imagine how you must be feeling .

‘ She’ll be ok … ‘ I said softly .

I ended the link , pacing the hall feeling so damn frustrated , worried and helpless .

I ran my fingers through my hair dropping onto the bench .

Please be fucking ok … I was scared of losing her .

We needed her , heck I’d give anything for her to be ok .


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