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Caged Between the beta and alpha novel Chapter 64

What Robyn said was so damn true and I knew I needed to do this, I needed to talk to Damgo.

I couldn’t keep hurting him like this.

I won’t wait any longer, I’m going to go and I’m going to talk to him right now.

I can’t carry on doing this…
I was now back in my room, pacing restlessly.

I decided to mind link Damon and ask if I could come to see him.

I took a deep breath, my fists clenched.

My heart was racing against my ribcage, painfully fast.
‘Hey, everything ok?’
‘Can’t I link you if there’s not a reason?’ I asked, feeling guilty, thinking I didn’t mind link him as often.

No wonder he thought that.
‘Course you can.’ But we both knew the truth.
‘Well, I wanted to meet up with you, like to actually talk.

Can I come around?’ I had to try my best to sound normal.
‘Sure, me and Zack are actually dealing with a potential clue, but as soon as it’s done, I can let you know?’
‘Perfect thanks…’ I said, the guilt of what I was about to do eating up at me inside.
‘Take care, gorgeous.’ His soft, deep voice came.

I closed my eyes.
Not gorgeous, fucking evil and cruel.

I sank onto my bed, wrapping my arms around my legs and resting my chin on top of my knees.

Sadness washed over me and the urge to wallow in self -pity threatened to overcome me, but before I could, Liam’s voice came through the link.
‘Hey.’ I said softly
Are you ok?’ Concern was clear in his voice.
‘Of course I am.
‘You don’t sound it…
Ever the intuitive one.
‘I am, so why did you mind link?” I asked brightly.
‘Two hours from now, I want you to meet me at the edge of the woods, by the park.’
“Ok… ‘I said, wondering why.

I needed to talk to Darnon too.

‘Is it important? I had something I needed to do today.’
‘Yes, it is.

Can you reschedule?’
I couldn’t deny him.
Ok, see you then.’ I said, giving in.
I guess I could talk to Damon after meeting Liam if he’s not done before then.

If he was done b y then, that is
I decided to clean up my room a little, thinking about Mom… She was gone, would she be reunited with Renji? How was Dad coping? His trial was in the morning too.

I was not looking forward to it at all, but I knew I had to do it.
An hour later, my room was spotless and I still had time to kill.

Damon hadn’t mind linked again and the sun was already settling outside, I decided to change into something a little more appealing
Going through my wardrobe, I pulled out a matte PU leather shirt, which was nice and loose, and paired it with a black fitted skirt that had a corset tie right down the front.

I picked out some black six-inch heeled boots.
Perfect, now I’ll be five-foot-six!
I touched up my make up out of boredom before I glanced at the time, guess I could head out and meet him early.

Was Damon still not done?
‘Damon? Are you still busy?’
‘Hey Raven, yeah, I might be a while.

Is it important?’ He asked worriedly.
‘No, I was just wondering, Liam wanted me to meet him, so I wasn’t sure if you were done or-‘
Carry on, we’ll talk tomorrow.’
I didn’t mean that…
‘I’ll come by later?’
‘If you can, Liam won’t want you out past curfew.” He teased lightly, but I knew he meant it.
‘Ok… Tomorrow then.’ I said, feeling down once again.
I walked through the pack grounds, the crunch of the gravel beneath my feet loud in my ears.

I saw the guard’s glance at me, it was clear they were on edge.

There was still an hour until curfew but the streets were empty.
To my surprise, although I was ten minutes early, Liam was also there.

His eyes ran over me appreciatively, and I felt suddenly very self-conscious.
“You look good.” He sald, closing the gap between us and placing his hand on the small of my back, pulling me against him then leaning down and kissing my lips softly.
Sparks rippled through me and I bit back my moan, only for Liam to deepen the kiss as a helpless sigh left my lips.
“Thanks.” I said.
“Those heels are pretty neat; I may not get as much of a backache if you wear them more often.

“He said, placing a hand on his back and grimacing.
I frowned.
“Hey, I’m not that short…” Ok, I was, but still! He didn’t need to complain! “Besides you aren’t so old that you will get a backache!”
He smirked.

“Oh yeah? Well, we both have got to admit you’re tiny.”
“Well, we all can’t be gorillas like yourself.” I huffed.
He put his arm around my shoulders, pulling me close as he planted a kiss on my forehead.

I leaned into him, the comfort from his touch soothing the storm of emotions inside of me.
“So why are we going into the woods at dark.?” I asked.
“That’s what the girl always asks the charming killer.” He said, giving me a smirk, but it faded quickly and he slowed down.

We are doing this.” I said firmly placing my hands on his hipbone as I stared up at him.
He seemed to be struggling with himself, but finally agreed.

He threaded his fingers with mine and I smiled gently.
The old Liam was in there…
“So, will you not tell me where you’re taking me?”
“Patience Love.” He said, glancing down at me.
I frowned, seeing some light up ahead.

I realised he had brought me to Grandma Amelia’s cottage.
“We‘re going in here?” I asked.
He reached into his pocket, I couldn’t help but stare at the front of his jeans, looking away quickly before he spotted me.

He unlocked the door and I stopped dead in my tracks at the warm, welcoming scene before me.
The glow of the lights and the smell of freshly baked Victoria sponge cake filled the air.

Soft music played in the background.
The place was spotless, a new beige fluffy throw was draped over the sofa, with a few cushions in shades of purple on the couch, which were definitely not Grandma Amy’s.

The table had a dark purple tablecloth over it with a shimmery beige runner through the middle, set up with a few lanterns and an arrangement of fresh flowers in the centre.
The fact that he had decorated in purple made it clear it was for me.
There were a few things set out on the table; a thermos, two mugs, a can of spray cream, some sprinkles, and a Victoria sponge cake decorated with sliced strawberries – a cake that I knew Liam had baked.
Liam had set up a date for us.
The surge of emotions that consumed me made me look up at him.


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