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Caged Between the beta and alpha novel Chapter 75

A week had passed , and I finally decided t o brave stepping outside .

Everyone was being extra supportive , constantly keeping me company or mind linking me t o ask how I’m feeling or what I’m up to but really , I just needed everyone to act normal .

I didn’t want this pity .

Kiara was the only one who really understood that , when she texted , it was just pictures of the twins or Dante , or talking about general things .

I just wanted everything to return to normal , but could they ? My emotions were hot and cold , I went from happy to utterly defeated within moments of each other


Sometimes I’d remember flashes of the cottage and him telling me he would wait for me , and then I’d see him ripping through my neck .

I kept waking up at night , those bottomless pits of his eyes flashing in my mind , his canines out as he bit me ….

My last thoughts were always the same in my nightmares .

Liam won’t hurt me .

I now wrapped my arms around myself as

I walked through the pack grounds , just fresh air .

wanting to think things through in the I had wanted to return to training but Damon had said it was better I didn’t , I knew why : Everyone was talking .

I’m going to have to face it sooner or later .

I didn’t want to be cocooned up .

Sighing , I tugged at the sleeve of my ribbed black shirt , which had three buttons at the top which I had left open .

I was wearing some ripped jeans with net tights under , paired with some black heeled boots .

I looked at the small plushie in my hand .

Sparks … I wanted to go back to the graveyard but I hadn’t been able to … Right now , I just need someone to talk to .

He was the only real family I had , I’m sure if he was here , he’d love me , right ? I heard snickering and looked up to see Owen smirking as he walked past me , smart enough not to push me .

Guess he learned his lesson last time .

I ignored him and headed to the graveyard .

It was a dull day today … I pushed open the small gate and made my way over to Renji’s grave .

I sat down on my knees before it and looked down at it .

Like always , it was well kept .

” Hello Renji , I hope you’re ok … A lot’s happened since the last time I came here ….

I’m sorry it took me so long when I promised to meet you …

But I wasn’t allowed to come … I’m sorry .

I wonder if Mom is with you now or not ? ” I asked softly , placing Sparks at the foot of the gravestone .

” Look , Sparks is back … He’s s o happy to be here again .

” I smiled gently as a soft wind blew through my hair .

” I was going to reject Damon .

We were going to do it .

I chose Liam … but … He marked me forcefully … and I haven’t seen him since … ” I whispered , feeling my eyes prickle .

” I don’t know what to feel .

At times I feel numb , at others confused , upset , hurt … I know what he did wasn’t right , but I also know that Helios ‘ curse isn’t something we can just ignore .

I’m worried about him .

He’s in the cells , but I’m also … scared … ” ” 1 I covered my face as the tears began

flowing and I sobbed quietly .

” I mention him and everyone gets angry .

I s it wrong that I want to talk to him ? But I haven’t mind linked him either … I … I’m scared … I just I don’t want him to shut me out .

” I whispered .

I loved him so so much , I get that , but at the same time , I can’t just forget what he did .

The darkness in him was strong , but wasn’t this the time to help him ? The fear of what might happen was still there , but I was stronger than that .

Someone placed their hand on my shoulder and I gasped , jerking away as I stared up at Nina .

I had been so absorbed i n my thoughts that I hadn’t even noticed her .

” Are you ok ? ” She asked with concern clear in her eyes .

I nodded , wiping my tears quickly .

” Yes , I am .

” I said , sniffling .

” You’re a strong woman , Raven .

It’s all going to be ok .


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