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Caged Between the beta and alpha novel Chapter 83

An hour had passed , Owen had been captured and tossed into the cells .

Uncle E I was making sure everyone was getting home safely .

Right now , we hadn’t told anyone we had caught the killer because h e hadn’t admitted to it , although there were rumours going around that someone had been taken in .

My mind flashed to what happened with Liam not long after we had made the discovery and Owen had been brought to the cells , my heart thudding at the memory .

( A SHORT WHILE AGO ) ” Liam … ” I’m going to kill him .

” His eyes blazed , and I watched the black begin to creep over the whites of his eyes .

He had given Owen a few punches for talking back but h e was getting angrier thanks to Owen not knowing when the hell to shut up .

Fuck ! ” Liam … Liam , calm down .

” I said quietly , approaching him .

The bond was stronger now , please let it help .

‘ Raven move ! ‘ Damon’s panicked voice came through the mind link .

‘ Don’t come closer .

Trust me .

‘ I said quietly through the link .

‘ Raven , I swear I’m not going- ‘ ‘ Damon , I am begging you , please let me d o this ! ‘ I knew what I was doing … or I hoped I did .

If Liam truly was remorseful … he’ll fight i t .

I was going on complete blind faith here , but I wasn’t going to give up on him .

I gave Damon a small smile , knowing that it was hardest for him , when he had witnessed what had happened to me .

I cupped his face , watching his chest heaving , his claws coming out .

” Fight it … Let’s do this calmly .

” I whispered soothingly .

His hands went to my waist , and I knew how panicked the men behind me were .

Right now , I was in the grips of dark Liam , and if he wanted , he could rip me to shreds for standing in his way .

” Raven …

” His eyes flickered , his grip tight , yet I could see the fear make them widen and his cerulean orbs return as he suddenly let go of me , staggering back as i f afraid to hurt me .

” Don’t come near me .

” ” ! ” Liam , you got this .

” I said , about to move closer , when he turned and rushed out of the cells , the darkness swirling around him .

‘ I’ll be ok .

‘ His voice came through the link , and I frowned .

It was clear he became extremely powerful when that darkness took over .

How else was he able to mind link ? ” That was … dangerous .

” Zack murmured as Damon shook his head at me … ( END ) I was now standing here , arms crossed , watching as Damon and Zack questioned Owen , or should I say tried .

Liam had been gone for about twenty minutes , I hoped he was ok .

” What did you do with the eyes ? ” Zack asked coldly .

There was only one set of teeth in the jar , and there were no eyeballs anywhere .

Even when we had searched the entire bedroom , the thought that those might have been mum’s made me sick .

” I’M FUCKING TELLING YOU IT’S NOT M E ! ” Owen roared , his eyes blazing with anger .

” Calm the fuck down , we’ll ask the questions .

” Damon growled .

” Let’s wait for Liam or Uncle El to ask him under Alpha command .

” I said sighing .

Something just felt … off .

” What , enjoying this , bitch ?! ” Owen growled .

” No , now shut the hell up .

Things were found in your room , Owen , so obviously you will be questioned .

No one’s hurt you o ” LIAM FUCKING BROKE MY NOSE ! BITCH ! I WAS FUCKING THROWN IN A FUCKING CELL ! WHAT MORE CAN They FUCKING DO ?! ” ” Keep it the hell down ! ” Damon growled , slamming his hands on the bar .

” Open the fucking door , I’ll put him in his place .

” Zack growled , his eyes blazing .

” Piss off , you fucking wanker ! ” Owen swore , giving Zack the finger .

I closed my eyes as Zack snatched the keys from Damon , opening the door .

I knew what was going to happen before I even heard the sound of his fist meeting Owen’s face .

” Alright Zack , back it up .

We need him conscience for his questioning .

” Damon said , glaring at the asshole .

Owen was just a cockroach , the type you just can’t get rid of .

” Bastards ! ” ” You can stay here for the night .

One of the Alphas will question you soon .

‘ Damon said as Zack came out of the cell , wiping his bloody hand on his jeans .

Owen didn’t say anything , clutching his bloody nose .

We exchanged looks as we walked away , h e wasn’t going to admit it .

Asking him under Alpha Command was going to be the only way .

” He’s so fucking antagonising .

” Damon growled , pinching the bridge of his nose I smiled slightly .

” For you to get mad , it takes a lot .

” ” Yeah , he’s a fucking prick .

” Zack growled , pissed off .

” Ok , maybe we should all just call it a night , although I want to be there when they question him .

” I said , sighing .

” It’s late , but how about we grab some food and wait for Alpha or Liam .

” Zack suggested .

Even though both Zack and Taylor were now fully clued in on the curse , I appreciated how they didn’t make a big deal out of it , carrying on as normal .

A true Delta couple .

We nodded , walking back towards where the party had taken place not long ago .

The omegas were clearing up now , guards were still stationed around for everyone’s safety.

We grabbed some food , despite it being cold , and I piled extra onto mine in case Liam returned .

The other two raised an eyebrow at my huge , overloaded plate , but I simply glared at them .

That was enough t o get them to stop looking at my food .

We headed back towards headquarters , eating along the way .

” There they are ! ” Damon said .

I turned to see Liam walking alongside his father .

He was in jeans , a t – shirt and a jacket .

I frowned .

Had he shifted or did he just dirty his clothes somehow ? Even though he is on wolfsbane … shifting shouldn’t be possible , but he had mind linked and I couldn’t put anything past this darkness .

He looked at me and my heart skipped a beat , thinking he had fought though it … I smiled slightly , holding the plate out to him .

” Hungry ?

” ” Ah , now it makes sense why she got so much food .

” Damon teased lightly .

J glanced at him and he smiled at me before looking away .

It was going to take time for him to heal , and for me to stop feeling guilty , but at least now I knew I wasn’t stringing him along .

” Actually , that looks about normal for Raven .

” Uncle El said with a smirk , making me frown .

” Hey ! Uncle , that isn’t fair ! I need to eat t o grow ! ” ” It clearly didn’t help .

” He replied .

The two boys chuckled , whilst Liam simply smirked slightly .

It was definitely payback for answering him back ..

I knew it ! ” Thanks .

” Liam said , taking a burger from my plate .


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