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Caged Between the beta and alpha novel Chapter 91


Three and a half days .

That’s how long Raven’s heat lasted , three and a half intense days .

I was close to breaking my resolution when I saw no end .

Seeing her sobbing and begging me messed me up .

Mom and Dad were shocked that it went over the three – day period , which was the common period for heat , but we assumed maybe the curse made it worse .

Or Mom thought perhaps I’m just a stronger Alpha than Dad , but I don’t think so .

When Dad and I spar , I only manage to outdo him by a little , and I’d put that down to being younger .

The moment her heat was over , Raven fainted with exhaustion .

I made sure her temperature was ok before I tucked her into bed , collapsing next to her and letting sleep consume me .

We slept for almost an entire day , far too exhausted to do anything .

That had been one hell of an experience , it had been more painful and draining than every lash I had taken .

Seeing her in pain fucking hurt so badly , and I felt like I was being punished for messing up .

I just wish she hadn’t had to suffer once again because of me .

But there was something about this moment that helped .

There was something in her eyes when she looked at me , holding me tightly and completely vulnerable in my arms

I was meant to be her protector but I had hurt her .

In some ways , having her in my arms trying to fucking seduce me and rip my clothes off felt like a chance for me to prove I was better than what I had become .

My beautiful mate … She was perfect .

I had just gotten dressed , ready to head out to get all her favourite foods after running her a hot , warm bath with essential oils .

I’m surprised our toes didn’t fall off after all that time spent in the icy bath .

I had requested someone to come to clean up the room and change the bedding .

Once they left , I left too , not wanting to be gone for too long .

We hadn’t really talked .

When I had stepped out of the shower , I had carried her to the bath .

She had just woken up .

Kissing her softly , I promised to be back soon .

Forty minutes later , I unlocked the hotel room door and pushed the handle down with my elbow , my hands laden with two paper bags , hot drinks and a large cupcake in a box .

I saw Raven looking breath – taking , lying o n top of the fresh white bedding , her hands tucked under her cheek , wearing nothing but one of my t – shirts that fell to her thighs .

My heart thundered and the thought of seeing her like this every morning , every day for the rest of my life , filled my mind .

A guy could dream … ” Hey … ” She said , sitting up , brushing her fingers through her hair .

Her cheeks were painted a soft hue of pink , a pout on her plump , lush lips .

” Hey , feel better ?

” I asked , placing the bags on the bed .

She nodded as I bent down , kissing her lips .

A soft sigh escaped her and I moved back slowly , savouring the taste of her in my mouth , my lips tingling from where they touched hers .

I sat down as she reached for the first bag , my gaze going to her shoulder as my T shirt slid down , revealing her smooth , creamy skin that I would never tire of .

” This smells great .


” She said , as we both began to take everything out ; egg and cheese muffins , bacon rasher sandwiches , pancakes , cinnamon rolls , buttered croissants , sugary donuts , brownies , hot chocolate , along with two bottles of orange juice .

” We’re both fucking starved .

” I said , unwrapping a muffin for he

” I know .

When was the last time we ate ? ” She asked , biting into it .

I watched her , my gaze dipping to her gorgeous lips .

” Around thirty hours ago , give or take .

” I said , our eyes connecting .

The sexual tension between us was intense .

Her gaze ran over me before she looked away , taking a bite .

” Thank you … for everything … I know it was probably hard .

I mean , especially when I was begging … ” She murmured , biting into the muffin once again , pouting .

” Hard is an understatement , love .

Have you seen yourself ? ” I asked , smirking slightly .

She looked up slowly , her eyes softening , and she smiled slightly .

” It’s weird , that you loved me for so long … I’m nothing spe =

” ” You fucking are .

Now stop it .

Stop thinking of yourself as any less .

You are beautiful , kind – hearted , and everything a man could ever hope for .

” I said , reaching over and pulling her into my lap .

She blushed despite having been in my lap naked many times over the last few days .

” Thanks , ” She said , caressing my face .

I hugged her tight as we continued to eat .

Now that her heat was over , her telling m e about her and Damon’s rejection was on my mind again .

She held the last bite of her muffin to my lips and I took it , watching her unwrap another muffin as I bit into my sandwich , one arm around her slender waist .

The sparks of the bond sizzled between us .

” You said you and Damon rejected one another … ” I began .

She paused from opening the bottle of orange juice and nodded .


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