In his deep sleep, Winston furrowed his brows tightly, and his fingers twitched reflexively. Perhaps he was dreaming, or perhaps it was a telepathic connection with his daughter, Alyssa.
"Was Mom… a member of the royal family?" Liam held his breath.
Alyssa shook her head. "I don't know. Even if she were and got chased out for some reason, there wouldn't be absolutely no record of her.
"So, I'm guessing that she might have been someone from the palace or someone connected to the royal family. However, I'm not sure about the specifics. After all, we aren't familiar with the situation in Kontina at all.
"There's one thing I'm sure of, though." Her eyes gleamed with a cold intensity as she clasped her hands together. "There was probably some kind of grudge between Mom and the Kontinian royal family that forced her into exile.
"By some miraculous chance, she ended up in Belbanks, and of all people, Dominic saved her."
The word "grudge" hit Liam like a sharp, invisible knife. "Dad has always showered us with love, and he let us make our own choices in life. Even though we're from a wealthy family, he never pressured us into marriage alliances. He wanted us to find happiness on our own terms."
Tears welled up in Liam's eyes as he knelt beside Winston's bed, holding his father's wrinkled hands. "Yet, he's so against Yules and me. Maybe your theory is worth exploring, Lyse. Maybe there's something dark in Mom's past with the Kontinan royals. That could explain Dad's strong reaction."
Upon hearing that, Alyssa plunged into deep thought.
Indeed, Winston had been exceptionally lenient with his and Jennifer's five children, indulging them to a fault. In contrast, he was stricter with Mandy's and Lyla's children.
He fiercely opposed Miley's marriage to someone from Kontina, tried to arrange a marriage alliance for Tatiana with the Schmidt family, and constantly nagged Cyrus about settling down.
However, he treated his five children with Jennifer differently. For Alyssa, he only put up a strict front. Whether it was her stint with Doctors Without Borders or other rebellious moments, he always ended up giving in.
Jennifer was indeed the one Winston loved the most, and he extended that love to their children. However, if he was so in love with her, why did he have to marry time and time again?
The readers' comments on the novel: Can’t Win Me Back novel (Alyssa and Jasper)
It’s dwindled down to 1 page a day??...
7 chapters a day would be great...
I am trying to figure out why an author writes one page and it is suppose to be a chapter and then the author gets the audience hooked on the story and just drags it on. Follow the rules please, and at least give the 7 chapters daily. Two chapters every other day is a waste of time. Or just release the book and give us the option to buy it....
Ughhh…can we get more pleeeease! I’m so into this book and literally check daily for updates but it’s only two pages at most. Can you at least do 4 pages a night 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽...
More chapters please the 7 chapters/day would be nice, TY...
Where can i download the remaining chapters?...
Why are we literally only getting one chapter a day?!? I mean can we at least get 4 or something? Irritating🙄...
Hello, more chapters please. It has been over 1 week since we have received 7 chapters. Thank you...
Just wonder what happened to publish 7 chap/day...
You upload shows 5/21/24 01:20, but I read these chapters 5/20/24 9:26. you can't go back with time only forward...