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Capture Your Heart novel Chapter 125

Karin shakes her head helplessly, “Woman likes to use this trick."

"If young master fails you one day, will you use this trick?"

She is stunned and stops her movements. Realizing that she may have made a mistake, Yuma immediately corrects herself, “I mean if, of course, it is impossible."

"If he fails me, I won't use any tricks against him. I'll spend the rest of my life where no one knows me."

"No, without love and parents and relatives, how can you spend your rest of life!"

"Yuma, I have fallen out with my family in order to be with Troy. My father doesn't forgive me until now. Although my mother supports me, if I am betrayed, she will be sadder than Me, and I don't want her to be sad in any way.”

"Don't worry, you'll be happy. Heaven won't be unkind to you, you're so kind."

"I hope so..."

With the help of Yuma, the dumplings are ready. Karin carefully carries them upstairs and pushes open the door of the study.

"It smells good, dumplings."

Before she has walked to the front of Troy, he smells fragrance.

"How do you know they're dumplings?"

Karin asks curiously.

"Fool, I had it one so I remember."

"Hehe." She smiles, “Take it. I give you move if you eat it all."

"Thank you."

He kisses her forehead, picks up chopsticks and put one into his mouth, “Delicious, as always."

"Pay my salary then, I will make it for you every day."

"Then I might as well pay you to open a dumpling shop."

"No, the dumplings will have different taste."


"When I make dumplings for you, my heart is full of love, so they are delicious. But opening a dumpling shop is different. Without love, business will not be good."

"I am moved."

Troy touches her hair with a smile, “Take one too."

Early in the morning, Troy goes downstairs and goes straight to the door. When he passes by Mia, he stops his pace.

“Have you had your breakfast?”


"Does your legs hurt?"


He nods. "Good."

"Are you going to the office?" She asks.


"At night..."

Before she could finish her words, Karin runs about with her backpack, panting, “Troy, lets’ go."

Mia's face changes, “I want to go home to get something. Can you drive me to there?"

“Just ask your uncle to bring you what you want.”

"No, he can't find it. Please send me back."

Troy is awkward and looks at his watch, “I ask the driver to send you back."

"I don't want to ride in someone else's car."

She looks down and lifts the blanket off her legs. "They will look at me with different eyes."

Karin sighs, “Troy, you send her, I will take the driver's car to school."

Troy ponders for a moment, picks up Mia and puts her into the car.

Then he shouts, "Karin, get in the car."

"What? I said I am going to take the driver's car..."

"Never mind, I will send you to school first, and then send her to her house."

Mia is unhappy, but she says nothing. Karin gets in the car and sits on the back seat.

The atmosphere is quite solemn, the three people do not say a word. The car suddenly stops in the middle of the road.

“What's the matter?”


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