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Capture Your Heart novel Chapter 132

Her face looks like only slightly larger than a hand and has the classical beauty. She’s just like a person walking down from the most standard beauties cartoon. Her big eyes are different from the big eyes of ordinary beauties. Her eyes are bright. It seems that there are some emotions in her eyes, as if her eyes are silently saying something all the time. She has a straight nose. She has both the beauty of women and the heroism of men. Her lips are slightly thin and soft, which are a kind of almost transparent ruby red, as if her lips can make people obsessed by just looking at first sight. Her long black hair is so soft and is hanging on her shoulders...

She’s just standing there. Any man seeing this will describe her like this, "Drop-dead gorgeous!"

Karin has been listening to the phone with her head down. After the phone is hung up, she raises her head and suddenly sees a man standing in front of her. She steps back in fright. The first thought she thinks about is "Could it be that he is another one to kidnap me again?"

"What do you want to do?" She asks tremblingly.

"Don't be afraid. I'm not a bad person. I just finished a phone call here."

Seeing that he’s dressed luxuriously and indeed unlike those who kidnapped her last time, she heaves a sigh of relief and turns around to enter the hall.

"Miss, please wait a minute."

Seeing her turning around to leave, the man hurries to catch up and calls her to stop.

"Is there anything else?"

"May I have your name?"

She frowns slightly, "Why should I tell you my name?"

After saying it in a very rude attitude, she runs back to the living room.

Stanley stands there for a moment. It’s the first time that a woman who doesn’t buy it. He’s about to follow up to ask her. He suddenly realizes that this is a family banquet of the Charles family. All people here are those who have a relationship with the Charles family. Is that beautiful woman the new girlfriend of Troy?

Why is he certain that the beautiful woman is Troy’s new girlfriend? Because at the family banquets in the past few years, he must have not seen her.

After entering the living room, Karin quickly finds Troy. She holds his arm and dares not run around.

She glances at the crowd at random, then she sees the eldest sister of Troy, Milan. She’s shocked and whispers to Troy, "Troie, Milan is here."

"I know."

"When did she come? Why didn't I see her come in?"

"Just when you went to the bathroom."

"Well." No wonder!

If it were Arya, she might go over and say hello to her. But if it's Milan, then forget it! She doesn't want to make trouble for herself.

However, she doesn't go to greet Milan. Milan seems to come over. Watching Milan walking towards her step by step, her arm on Troy's arm is trembling, and her heart begins to jump irregularly.

"Troie, I'm going to the lavatory."

If she doesn’t want Milan to make things difficult for her, she can hide. Escaping is the best strategy.

"Why are you going there again?"

Troy asks with a frown, but she doesn't have time to answer. Before Milan comes to her, she has to run away.

"Brother, why don't you bring Mia here?"

Milan asks dissatisfiedly.

"I have a companion."

"But in previous years, you always brought Mia to take part in the party."

"It’s history. Now is different from the past."

"She has no legs now. How sad will she be if you don't bring her over?"

"It's because she had no legs. Are you sure she won't be sadder when she comes to such an occasion?!"

His rhetorical question makes Milan speechless. Because she’s also not sure whether Mia will be frustrated by watching others wearing beautiful clothes and shoes while she’s sitting in a wheelchair.

"Where is Stanley?"

"Why are you looking for him?"

"There is something I want to ask him."

"I'm going to find him."

Milan turns around and goes into the crowd.

Karin doesn't go to the bathroom at all. She just hides in the corner. After watching Milan leave, she dares to return to Troy’s side

"It's all right so soon?" He asks.

"Well, I just washed my hands."

He pokes her forehead with his finger, "My elder sister comes, so you ran away on purpose?"

She shrugs with smiling awkwardly, but she doesn’t deny it.

"Your hair hanging on the shoulder is actually better than tying up."

Troy gently combs her long hair with his hands. His fingers pass through the hair, making him feel comfortable.

"Brother, you are looking for me?"


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