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Capture Your Heart novel Chapter 51

The car restarts again. She watches the familiar scenery drifting away from the reflector. Karin asks sadly, "Charlie, do you think I'm wayward, and run away for trivial things?"

He smiles, "Capriciousness is special for girls."

"In fact, I rarely irritate my parents from childhood, but this time is different. After all, it is a major event in my life."

"Then you have to figure it out. You just don't like them dominating your marriage, or don’t you want to get married at all?"

She thinks about it, "Both. I just think that we shouldn’t get married so soon. He is not rich and I am not rich. We have to work hard for our life. I don’t want to quarrel with him for petty things after we get married."

Charlie nods, "That is right. If your parents don't understand, you can tell your boyfriend. After all, marriage is a matter for two people. The decision is in your own hands."

Decadently bows her head, she whispers softly, "If he understands me, I wouldn't be so angry..."

The voice is too low, Charlie doesn't hear clearly, "What are you talking about?"

"Nothing." Subconsciously, she doesn't want to let him know that she has troubles in love.

The car stops at the hotel where he stays. Robert sees the two of them and is surprised, "What? You send her away, and then send her back?"

She embarrassingly bites her lips and says, "Well, you don’t welcome me?"

"Of course not. This is a hotel and not my house. How can I not welcome you. It is out of curiosity."

Karin walks into Charlie's booked room for her, closes the door, and says, "Even if it's your home, you also have to welcome me."

Robert laughs and turns around, "Mr Charlie, I have never seen her so funny."

Taking a hot bath, she is deep in her thoughts. The doorbell rings suddenly.

She is startled and looks at the time. It is already half past eleven. Who will find her? Hesitating for a moment, she walks to the door and asks, "Who is it?"

She thinks it is Charlie, but she hears, "Miss Karin, it's me, Robert."

"What happens?"

"Well, please open the door."

Out of politeness, she opens the door. Robert holds a bottle of red wine in his hand, and smiles and says, "I heard Charlie said that you are in a bad mood. Would you like to drink some wine?"

She decisively shakes her head, "No, thank you."

Even a three-year-old knows something about being drunk, not to mention she is not a three-year-old.

"Well. What kind of man you think of me that you guard against me?"

Karin explains immediately, "No, no, mistake me. I just don't like drinking..."

"Will you drink with me? I'm in a bad mood."

"Why are you in a bad mood?" She is confused.

"It's a long story."

Robert enters the room and puts the wine on the coffee table, "Wait for me, I'll get two cups."

Karin sighs helplessly and goes into the bedroom to change clothes.

Charlie is busy with his work. Robert pushes in the door and says, "Mr. Charlie, let’s go and drink.”

"Drink?" He raises an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"I took a bottle of wine to Miss Karin’s room"

Charlie snorts, "Don't think I don't know what you're thinking."


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