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Capture Your Heart novel Chapter 8

After making up her mind, Karin decides to go to Charlie on her own.

She comes to the Charlie Group, but is stopped by several security officers, "I'm sorry, please show me your card."

"Card? "What card you need?" she is confused

"Passport card."

"I do not have……"

"Then you can't go in."

She is anxious: "I know your general manager, Charlie."

"A lot of people know him."

"I really know him!"

"Sorry, you are not allowed to enter without a passport card. Please leave immediately."

The guard men ruthlessly turn her away, and she stands aside angrily: "Then I can wait here!"

"It's no use waiting, our general manager is on vacation recently."

On a vacation...

Karin looks confused. She couldn't tell whether their words are true, but her matter is urgent. So she decides to go directly to his house.

The Charlie family is famous in Zurich, so it is easier to find him.

In front of her is a magnificent western mansion with red walls and green tiles. There are rows of trees in front of the door. The surrounding walls are high, which seems separate the his house and the outside world...

She stands in front of the magnificent door and rings the doorbell. After a moment, the door opens and a majestic housekeeper comes out, "Who are you looking for?"

"Excuse me, I'm looking for Mr. Charlie."


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