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Capture Your Heart novel Chapter 91

Facing a group of people scrutinizing her, Karin acts calmly.

"Uncle, she is the woman who pesters my fourth brother."

The one who speaks first is Milan, who is never fond of her. Miss Charlie is already pissed off when this morning she learned that her brother hid a woman in her mom’s former residence.

An old man about 50 or 60 years old slowly steps forward. He looks up and down at her sharply, and asks in a cold voice, "What's your name?"

"Karin." She answers in a way neither humble nor pushy.

"Which city in China are you from?"


"How long have you been in Zurich?"

"Three years."

"For what purpose are you approaching my nephew Troy?"

"Sorry. I have no obligation to answer every question you ask."

Karin’s strong words make everyone behind the old man stunned, including the old man himself.

Milan’s eyes widen in disbelief, "Karin, should I say you are just young and frivolous or should I say you are as blind as a bat? How dare you talk to my uncle in such manner? Don’t you know how prestigious my uncle is in the Charles family?"

"I didn’t and I don’t want to know. He is only held in high prestige in your family. But I’m not a Charles."

"See it? Now you have heard it, uncles. She is such a defiant and arrogant woman."

Milan clenches her teeth and snorts, "Relying on my fourth brother's love for her, she doesn’t put any of the elders of Charles family in the eyes. Probably she managed to move in Ziteng Garden by her tricks too."

Karin doesn’t confront Milan head-on in that Milan is Troy's eldest sister after all, and that she has learned something about Milan from him before, so she tries to persuade herself to endure it.

"Miss Karin, what is your family background?"

After brief astonishment, the old man has returned to his previous calmness, as if he doesn't care about her rude remarks.

"I don’t have a glorious family background. My family runs a dumpling shop."

"Then do you think you have anything extraordinary?"

Karin glances at him grumpily. He is too old to be a paparazzi. How meddlesome.

"You can just say what you want to say. You don't have to beat around the bush. The weather is too hot. Go down the mountain after you finish your questions."

There is another uproar, and the crowd begins to whisper...

"Shut up you all."

The old man raises his slanted eyebrows, and the crowd quiet down immediately.

"Then I'll just make it straight. You look mediocre, as well as your family background and your abilities. Compared with Troy, who is talented and has a distinguished family background and outstanding abilities, you are far worse than him. That is the distance between the sky and the earth. I didn't want to say this to you, but seeing that you are remorseless, I have to remind you that people must know their position as long as they live in this world. Don’t you expect pennies from heaven. Understand?"


Karin contradicts him unceremoniously again, "Perhaps I am just two a penny, but in the eyes of my parents and my loved ones, I’m priceless!"


The old man is silenced by her. For most of his life, it is the first time that he trips up in front of a witless young girl.

"I heard that you are a graduate student from University of Zurich. I didn't expect that you are so impolite that you don't even have the basic respect for others."

It is the second time someone says this to her.

Karin smiles, "You are right. I don't know how to respect others, but it also varies from person to person. I have a dual personality, one is knowledgeable, the other rude and unreasonable. I will treat you the same way you treat me."

Her sharp remarks eventually infuriate the old man. He snorts coldly and orders, "Cast her out. Charles family can't keep such an arrogant woman."

Someone finally stands out from the silent crowd and says, "Boss, I'm afraid that it is improper. If we do so, what are we supposed to say to the young master when he comes back?"

"If Troy asks, I’ll take the full responsibility."

The old man's words are quite powerful, and no one has any objections anymore. Several bodyguard-like men step forward and drag Karin out pulling her arms.

"Let go of me, let go!"

She struggles with anger, and sees Milan's triumphant look in her gaze. She can’t help anymore but yell, "Do you think you can make your brother marry Mia in this way? I’ll tell you frankly, that's absolutely impossible!"


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