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Capturing the Millionaire’s Heart on Divorce Day novel Chapter 212

The pilots' competitive spirits were ablaze, and as the main drivers, they were zealous learners.

Madison ditched any airs as an instructor, preferring to engage with them as a colleague, providing one-on-one guidance.

The specifics of the selection contest remained unknown to them. Hence, they resorted to wide-ranging training.

Later on, clad in a short leather jacket and braving the chilly winds, Madison was directing everyone via walkie-talkie.

"Charlie, your angle of approach is incorrect."

"Is it?"

"Did you account for wind speed?"

Charlie lapsed into silence.

A serious Madison was stricter than any instructor they had known, her tranquil gaze intimidating enough to make them fear being the last to meet the standards.

In private, they would huddle and speculate.

"Hey, Charlie, you're close with Instructor Meng. Did she used to be an instructor?"

Charlie shook his head, "Not that I know of."

"She's really scary."

"That gaze... it makes me feel so inadequate."

They knew how fierce the winds at the training base could be. Madison stood there all day, continuously talking, and when anyone faltered, she'd personally demonstrate the correct method, tirelessly repeating the process.

Her commitment to the selection contest was evident.

Rumor had it that Madison had never been this dedicated in previous major competitions.

The more she invested herself, the more the pilots valued the selection. With the instructor giving her all, they couldn't afford to underperform.

"I'm still not confident with today's maneuver. Fuel expenses aside, I must practice more. If Madison tests us tomorrow, I'm doomed."

One pilot hurried through his meal, eager to return to practice.

After all, with the boss footing the fuel bill, they were free to focus on their training.

In the solitary dining hall...

Madison, who had barely slept the night before, was attempting to catch up on sleep when footsteps approached.

She slowly opened her eyes.

Startled by the sight of the visitor, she sat up quickly, "What are you doing here?"

Ethan made a beeline for her, urging her back onto the couch, "Tired?"

Madison exhaled deeply, "A bit. I didn’t sleep well last night."

"I brought you something to eat. Would you like to have a bite before you sleep?"

Madison glanced at the food William had placed on the table, "Sure."

At the table...

Madison's appetite was low.

Ethan leaned in closer, "You're under a lot of stress. Madison, I don’t want you to go through this because of me; I’d feel guilty."

"The guilt should be mine."

Her gaze dropped, her voice softer than ever, "I worked so hard to earn the right to stand by your side. Just as I saw a glimmer of hope, a single piece of news pushed me to rock bottom. I realized I’m nothing."

Being swayed by public opinion, being threatened by others—these weren't signs of strength.

After leaving Lucas, Madison yearned for power, to be beyond control, to not be discarded at someone's whim. Nearly half a year had passed, and she was still the same.

The sense of defeat and self-loathing brought Madison's stress to a breaking point.

Ethan had come to check on her today, despite his busy schedule, because he sensed these things.

With his arm around her shoulder, Ethan adopted a tender tone, "Madison, in my eyes, you’re the finest woman. You’re independent, kind-hearted, and treat me well. So why compare yourself to others?"

"Because they threaten us," Madison frowned, "I have to eliminate these threats."

Chapter 0212 1

Chapter 0212 2


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