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Celebrity Crush Turned Deadly Love! novel Chapter 24

Yadav's PoV

How did she end up here? If it was a trap created by the media, they would have chosen a random girl or even a celebrity. Why Akshitha? So, someone knows that I know her. Who is behind this? Is this a trap for her? If they want to spoil her name, there are numerous ways. Why do they involve me? Why the hell are we hooked together in every dangerous situation? Am I here to protect her always? She says she loves me. She says I’m hers’. Why didn’t I get angry when she said that? Why the hell I didn’t feel like having sex with anyone after I met her? Why do I see her in my dreams? Does this all mean I'm in love too? On her? On a stranger girl? What do I know about her except for the fact that she is a stupid? Is this Destiny? GOD!

She was knocking on the door now. What the hell does she want now? I opened the door.

"What now?" I asked her, not interested.

"Yash, I know who set this all up." She said.

"Who else except for your stupidity?" I barked at her.

"Pch, Chumma chumma thittadha pa. (Don't scold me often.)"

"God, Shut up and wait for my mom. If she comes, for god's sake, go with her and don't ever show your face to me again."

"That's not going to happen. Are you behind Vishwa's termination in my office?"

How did she know? I was super angry at him for intoxicating her. I don't know if he was behind her or her friend. But he was responsible for her condition the other night so I called up my contacts in his office to send him home. I thought to send him away permanently from her way.

"So, you did that." she said when I stood there without answering her.

"I don't know what you are talking about." I denied.

"I know face reading, Yash. Why did you expel him from my office?" she asked me with a

glint of naughtiness in her tone.

"Pch, Stop this nonsense. I didn't do anything like you say. Why does that have anything to do with you being here?"

"That idiot thought to spoil my name by putting me in your suite. He doesn't know that you will protect me!" she said playfully.

"You are insane. Can't you see what situation you are in? How can you be playful? Idiot! Are you not afraid to be with me in a suite all alone? You know the time now? It's 10.30 already!"

"It's ok. Kavi will come to pg only at 11pm. I can go before her." she said.

"You are afraid of your friend? That is all that matters for you? What about the other questions I asked you?"

"Oh, you mean the meaningless questions you asked me? Do you want answers for them? I'm not scared of you. You can do no harm to me."

"What if I try to get you on my bed?"

"Haha! If you had those thoughts, you wouldn't have called your mom. You wouldn't have been asking me this stupid question. And besides, if you are mine then I'm yours." she winked at me.

FUCK! I'm not a womanizer. I won’t force myself on a girl. But I'm not a saint either. The thing is never once have I seen her inappropriately. Why? I hate how she talks to me. I hate how much she can read me. I hate being an open book to her. I'm a tough man.

Someone's at the door. That's my mom. She opened the door with a full-blown smile. Shiva has also come with my mom. My mom and that loosu started talking while me and Shiva went in the room.

"What happened, da? How did she get in here? There were many reporters in the corridor while we came. But seeing us, many left!" Shiva said.


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