Kavya's PoV
He called me from a different number? I hurriedly checked my phone for the number Akshu sent me. I got from her the number from which Vishwa called to threaten her when she was in Park Sheraton. That was not the number Vishwa gave me. I was wondering why he asked her if I had not shared his number with her when he didn't call her from the number he gave me. I checked for the numbers she sent me and the one he called me from now. Nope, They are both different. How many numbers does he have?
I waited so long for Akshu to come. But she didn't come until I started from pg. I tried calling her phone but I got no answer. I put the address he gave me in the Maps. It was 30minutes away. I sent a message to Akshu stating that I am out to meet one of my friends. I don't want to scare her and upset her mood. She is very happy now.
I started the scooty and followed the directions. Since it's an odd hour the traffic is kinda ok. It's damn sunny and I hate driving in this weather. The map says I reached the spot. But all I see is a Jain temple and a lot of crowd.
Am I tricked again? Is this some kind of sick joke? Or am I in danger again? I am dumb enough to believe him again after all he did to me?!
"Don't react, Kavya. Just be casual. Come with me." someone talked from my back. A girl.
I turned to see who that is. This girl? I saw her with Vishwa in the mall. What's her name? Nita, Yes. What the hell is she doing here?
"I'm leaving." I hopped on my scooty to start but she grabbed my hands and took the keys.
"Don't make a scene and attract attention. Now come with me like a good girl." she spoke, smiling.
What the hell did she think? I'm not going to go with her. I resisted but then she was too strong to knock off. I picked up my phone to call Vishwa. What did he think of himself?
"Ah ha, No phones dear. See the hoardings? No phone in the temple premises.” She took my phone too. I felt helpless. I went along with her.
Once inside the temple, she took me to the shrine. It looks like some celebration here. This place is safe. If I feel threatened, I can always scream and get help. I want to see what this is all about. I don't want to pop it before I get answers. There is a little room behind the shrine where she took me to.
"Come in, Kavya!" Vishwa was there.
"What nonsense is all this? You said we will meet in your home and where is your mom? What are you up to, Vishwa? Don't tell me you are into some bandits or mafia!" I told him. I am scared. My stupid heart never listens to me. I fell for the wrong man.
"Haha, No, Kavya. It's worse than that." he said with a bitter smile.
"I... Uh... I am leaving. I don't want to see you again." I tried to go out. But that girl is in the way between me and the door.
"You don't want answers? I thought you might want to give me a chance." He said.
"Why would I do that when you tricked me into falling in love with you? You spoiled my dignity and decorum when you couldn't do whatever you had planned on me. Don't you ever think I will let you ruin me ever again."
"Is that so? Kavya, do you really think I put that photo of yours on that damn website?" how sincere his voice sounds!
My heart says 'No' as an answer to his question. But I want to hear it from him. I stayed quiet.
"You know why you are here? Because your heart still refuses to believe that I did such a horrible thing to you. Because you still love me. Believe me when I say this, Kavya. I love
You!" He said.
"God! Why are you so confusing. Why did you call me now?"
"Nope, It's you who called me!"
"Um... I want to talk to you in private." I said looking at her.
"Nita, wait for my call." he said looking at her. She left.
"Ask me whatever you want. I will answer you." he said with his hands criss crossed on his chest.
"Do you really love me?"
"I do."
"From when?"
"From the day I started talking to you!"
"Really?" I don't know if to believe him or not. But my heart did a somersault now.
"True, Kavya! And I know you had a liking for me from the day you saw me." Well! That's
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