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Celebrity Crush Turned Deadly Love! novel Chapter 52

Akshu's PoV

I don't know how to react when he spoke to me so professionally. It's not like Shiva doesn't know about us. I have seen him keep an eye on me at constant intervals and intervened at times when some guys tried flirting with me. It's not possible for him unless Yash has told him to take care of me. I don't know why he behaved so indifferent all of a sudden.

Besides, he spoke to that heroine very casually and he didn't disclose our relationship to stop her pursuing him. He spoke like his point of view on relationships never changed! Who knows, if he had told her about us she may stop seeing him. By not revealing it to her, he messed up the chance of getting rid of her.

I may be thinking too much about his behavior. He may have his reasons. But whatever the reason may be, I think his behavior is outrageous. I think he reacts spontaneously. That is who he is, a man focuses only on himself and fails to understand others.

I saw Shiva coming my way. What is he going to talk about?

"Hi, Akshitha."

"Hi, Shiva."

"Are you ok? I mean with the works?" Awkward! I know he is checking on me.

"Um...yeah. I'm fine!"

"Good, Uh... Yadav is in the middle of something and he will be free at noon if you wanna talk to him." he said. He is trying to tell me something.

"Shiva, I know you know about us. Just tell me what you want to say." I told him.

"Well,He didn't mean to act that way to purposely hurt you. He was ready to come down to talk you out of it but he is held up with work. You see he didn't visit here last week. He has 20minutes free time at 1pm. You can go straight to his room."

"Oh ok, Thank you for taking your time to let me know this. I will talk to him. And I am fine, really." I told him. So he won't make time for me instead I must fit into his timetable?

"If it's true, then I'm glad. Yadav is a wonderful person and I am happy that he is finally settling down with you." He said with true happiness.

"I know, I will take care of him. Thank you." I told him.

He went away with a little nod. It may take a minute or two to come down and let me know this himself. But he chose his work over me. He didn't think consoling me was more important. I decided to let him come to me before I talk. Yes, he called me but I ignored him because I was hurt and angry that he let her kiss and hug him in front of me.

My phone rang again. It's Raajiv. God, What the hell does he want now? I should tell him that I cannot marry him. The sooner the better.

"Hi, Raajiv."

"Hi, Akshu. How are you? Are you free? Can we talk? "

"Um.. yes, Tell me."

"Are you free this weekend? Mom said we shall take you to our kuladeivam temple."

"Are we all going?" I want to talk to him in private to let him know my denial of this proposal.

"Um yeah, Mom, me, Dheekshu and you."

"Oh, Sure! I can come." I must make a chance to be alone with him and tell him.

"Cool, I'm looking forward to seeing you. Do you have a Saree?"

"Excuse me?" How dare he.

"Hey chill, Mom asked me to tell you to wear a saree while coming. I'm ok with anything you wear. You look beautiful in every outfit."

"Uh Thank you. Will try. I have some work. Will talk to you later."

"Sure, Carry on. Bye, Akshu."

"Bye." ugh! I don't like it one bit but what is so wrong in going to the temple with my extended family when Yash can hug and kiss a girl who is not me in front of me? I decided to glam myself up for this weekend.

Dheeksha's PoV

I saw Akshitha's pictures that mom showed me. She is beautiful. I am ok to take her as my sister-in-law. My mom is already searching for a doctor for me. I must tell her about my decision.

"Mom." I called as she was getting down the stairs. I just heard her come in.

"Dheekshu, Didn't sleep yet? You should be sleeping now. How will you get up early if you are awake now?"

"Ma ma, Please! Don't start your speech. I am awake now because I want to talk to you."

"Hmmm come into my room."

"You are not eating?"

"At 11pm? I already had my dinner. I had a meeting with other doctors today. That's why I am this late."

"Oh ok!" Hmph, I am very much distracted by Shiva that I didn't even see a meeting on the mail today.


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