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Celebrity Crush Turned Deadly Love! novel Chapter 64

Akshu's PoV

"Kavi relax, We are safe. Yash will protect us. Tell us what you think." I consoled her.

"The one thing that is common between us is our blood group. We are AB negative. They are after us for our blood group." She exclaimed.

She is right. We are both AB-ve. We knew it when we donated blood in our college camp. Surprisingly, my dad is AB-ve too.

"That is right. We are both AB-ve." I told her. So just like Vishwa said we have this thing in common. They knew me and after following me, they got to know Kavi has the same blood too. That is why Vishwa told her that she is in danger because of me. I remembered how the accident claims were made by all rarest blood groups and not even one in O ve.

"Yash, when I made the sync of their software with us for uploading our database, I saw the accident claims and health claims were made by all different rare blood groups. Not even one O ve blood group."

"So they target people with rare blood groups." Yash spoke to himself.

"Dei Yadav, After a little chat with Akshitha when you were in Japan, I was kinda surprised to know the similarities in our life. I got back home and checked for the insurance where my dad had taken the policy. It was with the same company Rudramoorthy is in now. My dad's blood group is A1 ve. The accident happened months after he took that insurance policy." Shiva spoke.

I had an adrenaline gush inside my tummy. What are we talking about? Killing people for the organs? Blood? Who are those evils? I held Kavi's hand so tight. "My dad's blood group is AB-ve, Yash!" I felt dizzy in my head.

"Akshu, Akshu!" Kavi held my hands tight.

"Shia!" Yash stood up and came to me at the speed of a lightning. He took me in his hands and I lost.

Yadav's PoV

She is so beautiful. Everytime I see her, it takes immense self control to maintain that angry face. But then she is very poor at choosing the right word. She always pisses me off with her stupid selection of words. And again I love her stupidity too.

I want her to realize that I will love her even if I dont get to have sex with her. I understand I made a wrong impression at first. But it's time she changes her point of view. She is very insecure and at the same time loves me more. But she has to understand those two don't come in a package.

I ignored her. When Raajiv said their wedding date is fixed, I almost lost it there. When she said she denied, I saw conviction in her eyes. I wanted to believe her. But then she made me angry with her stupid talking.

When I got a call from her, all my heart wanted to at least hear her voice. But I disapproved of that desire. I got a message from her.

"Something is not right here, Yash." is all it said. I was alarmed with her texts and called Joshua to know her whereabouts.

"Joshua, Where is Shia?"

"In her aunt's home, sir."

"She is not safe in there. Get her out. Use weapons if necessary!"

"Yes, sir!"

I waited impatiently for him to call me back with the news that she is safe.

Then another message pinged on my phone. It was a picture message. I opened it to see a photograph of a letter. It was written in tamil old fonts. I waited for what seemed like an eternity before Joshua called me back.

"Sir, she is safe. I took her out of the house safely."

"Is she ok? Did he lay his hands on her? Did you use your arms?"


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