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Celebrity Crush Turned Deadly Love! novel Chapter 7

Yadav's PoV

My mom has gone nuts! She says she has invited a stranger girl to our home just because she helped her with Bruno! She even has that audacity to tell me that she would be happy if a girl like her comes home as her daughter-in-law! I can't believe Bruno let a stranger touch him. I'm so mad at him. Tiger is now in my room and Bruno is scratching the door to let him in. He is staying out tonight.

Bruno and Tiger are my life! They are my stress relief! They give me immense happiness. I actually love how they both love me! Now hearing mom, that stranger girl has not even held his mouth during the shot and he just whined? That means, he loves her! Whoever she is, I hate her for this. Bruno can't love someone like he loves me!Mom has asked me to stay home on Saturday for lunch! I'm so not meeting that girl. I'm not leaving Bruno too! I will take Bruno to our guest house. She can't see him again.

Kavya's PoV

This girl has gone nuts! She says she is going to a stranger's house just because she was nice to her and invited her. She asks me to accompany her! Idiot! She can't be this naive! In a new city, just the first day of being on our own, she befriended a stranger. The only good thing about this is, that stranger is a lady!

NUT CASE! How am I going to protect her?

"Are you insane? How can you go to a stranger's home? Idiot! What if it's a trap? What if it's a kidnapping group? I'm not going anywhere, and you are not going too! If you don't drop this now, I will tell your stupidity to your mom!"

"Pch! Ok, ok! We are not going! Happy?"

"Idiot!" I mumbled to myself.

"Shall we go to the TV hall?" she asked me like nothing had happened a minute before.

"No! They won't allow us to change channels. We have a phone! Watch whatever you want to, here!"

"You are so boring! I'm going to talk to Jamin uncle! Don't show your stoic face to me!" she yelled at me! I really wanted to smack her hard for her insensitive behavior. But I know her too well, she is not going to let this go just like that!


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