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Celebrity Crush Turned Deadly Love! novel Chapter 71

Yadav's PoV

Pramod is not worth living. I wish to kill him. But if we can crack him, then he is very much important. That is the only reason I said not to kill him. Now all I wish is the safe rescue of Kavya. If Dheeksha can manage to bring in some proofs that would be an added advantage.

I know Shia is badly in need to confront Benjamin. I am eager to know what he had planned too. But this is not the right time. Shia is in my hands. That is all that matters to me now!

"Yash!" she called me.


"Go get the discharge forms. Let's go home." she urged me. I don't want to leave her. I just wish to hug her all eternity. I got up reluctantly to finish all the payments here to go home. While I got out of the room, Ashok joined me too. Mike called me.

"Yes, Mike."

"Sir, we got Kavya. She is sedated I think. She's got pulse but is unconscious. Pramod is in police custody."

"Great job, Mike. Bring her to the same hospital where Shia is in now. Don't delay." I told him.

"Yes, sir."

I turned to Ashok. He has a sigh of relief on his face too.

"Alright, I will go see what Pramod has to say. I will keep you posted." Ashok told me.

"Handle him like a criminal. He is no longer our friend." I reminded him.

"Ok da. He will spill whatever he knows."

"Keep me updated!" I told him.

I made all the payments and went back to the room to tell the good news to Vishwa and Shia.

"Vishwa, Kavya is rescued. She is on her way here. She is safe." I told them.

Vishwa hugged me with so much emotion. I patted his back to calm him down.

"Shia, we will go home after Kavya gets better." I said to her.

"We will go home with her." she said.

I nodded my head to her. What else have we got to do? Nothing Except waiting. Shiva came running in all tensed. Ok, Either Dheeksha is trouble or Dheeksha is in trouble.

Dheeksha's PoV

I have a heavy feeling in my heart. I reluctantly went back to the hospital to search there first. Shiva came along with me. But not in my car. He followed me along. I connected him on my phone. He talked to me all along giving me hopes and will power.

I asked him to stay away from the hospital and I went in. I went to my cabin and pretended to do something. I am so tense. I am not used to doing all these spying. What if there are other doctors in this hospital that do this? What if I get caught with them? I sneakily went to the documents archive. Where should I begin with?

"Shiva, I am in the documents room. What should I look for? It will take too much time to surf through all these files." I told him on the phone.

"Start with my dad and Shia's dad's file." He said.

"But you guys did not donate your dad's organs. Did you?"


"Then there will be no files on your dads. This archive is for organ donors and organ receptors. All very confidential."

"Just give it a try on those dates." He insisted.


I started looking for the files in accordance with the date and year. I found nothing.

"There is nothing here." I told him.


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