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CEO Is Chasing Ex-Wife Back novel Chapter 177

Chapter 177 The Chance Is Not Waiting

Dalwin hesitated for a moment. Aurora’s reaction was within Zac’s expectations.

Therefore, according to what Zac had instructed, he replied, “Within a year, Cosmos Group cannot change its name, nor can it have a conflict with the Buchanna Group in terms of business.”

Aurora sneered

“What about after a year?”

“It’ll be at your disposal, Ms. Bennet.”

Aurora glanced at the transfer book and said, “The market of the Bennet Group had already been taken by the Buchanna Group. He doesn’t allow me to change the name of the company, nor did he allow me to take back what belonged to me. Then the company is an empty one, why would I need it?”

She thought, Zac is making a fool of me.

Or perhaps, he is trying to distract me so that I wouldn’t cause trouble for Wenny in the next year and so that Wenny could give birth to their child safely.

What a good plan!

But I am no longer as foolish as before, nor would I trust him as my father did.

“Ms. Bennet, don’t think this way. This is a good thing for you. Otherwise, this company might…”

“Mr. Villson, Zac can’t resolve the grudge between us by giving this company to me.” Aurora interrupted him, with her beautiful eyes as cold as ice. “I want him to be infamous. I want him to

disappear from Clouston and never come back.”

Dalwin sighed helplessly, “Must it get to that point?”

Aurora’s eyes were covered with faint sadness. She stood up and said indifferently, “Yes. Unless he

could rewind the time and bring my father back to life.

Aurora wouldn’t compromise. She held the view that those who did something wrong must be punished.

“Why do you have to do this?” Dalwin got up, wanting to stop Aurora.

Aurora had circled to the aisle of the next table, Dalwin rushed over and yet bumped into Wenny and Dominic sitting together: Dominic’s hand was around Wenny’s shoulder very ‘naturally’.

They looked extremely intimate.

“Aurora? Mr. Villson…” Wenny turned pale. She immediately stood up. “Mr. Villson, don’t

misunderstand. We are just discussing business.”

“You…” Dalwin signed, speechless. Aurora had walked far away.

He turned around and walked out. Wenny immediately put on her coat and followed up.

“Mr. Villson, don’t tell Zac, please. It’s about work, seriously.”

Wenny was so anxious that she was about to cry, and she kept promising Dalwin that she would

never attend this kind of social activity again.

Dalwin glanced at Wenny and looked away helplessly. “What’s the point of explaining to me. You are not even comparable to Aurora.”

Before Wenny recovered herself, Dalwin got in the car and drove away.

“Why did Dalwin meet Aurora? Could it be…” As Wenny was thinking, her phone rang. It was Saul


Wenny glanced at it and hung up the phone in frustration.

In the distance, Aurora smirked after seeing that.

“Mr. Buchanna, it seems you’ve gotten a lot to worry about.”

Aurora swaggered back to the restaurant.

She sat across from Wenny and ordered some delicious food to reward herself. It was an expensive


Wenny had just explained to Dominic that she met a friend just now when Aurora returned.

“Is this lady your friend?” Dominic stared at Aurora’s beautiful face with interest.


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