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Ceo's passion love by mistake novel Chapter 1

Chapter 1

When Natalie Smith opened her eyes, it was already 3 a.m.

A man was lying beside her with his face away from her, appearing to be deeply asleep.

Looking at his bare back, she recalled what happened a few hours ago. Just the thought of how he had taken her five times last night had her cheeks blushing a bright red in embarrassment.How does this guy have so much stamina? Ugh... great, now even walking will hurt.

She moved silently away from the bed while struggling to endure the pain shooting through her. Gritting her teeth, she put her clothes back on and slowly made her way out of the presidential suite, taking all her belongings with her. Just as she exited the room, a figure stepped in front of her and stopped her in her tracks.

“So how did it go? Is the deed done?”

It was her paternal half-sister - Jasmine Smith.

“Yup,” Natalie replied with a nod.

“Are you sure he didn’t see your face?” Jasmine pressed urgently.

After all, the man inside the room was supposed to be the chief judge of the Fashion Contest - Sid Luft, a man in his fifties.

Earlier, he promised Jasmine that she would be the winner of the contest, but on one condition - that she had to sleep with him for one night.

It just so happened that Natalie was in desperate need of money at that moment. Thus, she made a deal with Jasmine - that she would take her place in return for one million.

“Have you brought the money?” Natalie did not answer Jasmine’s question. All she could think about now was her brother, who was still waiting at the hospital for her. That one million would be enough for him to get the surgery he needed.

Jasmine’s lips curved into a smirk before she took out a bank card from her bag. Handing it to Natalie, she said in faux concern, “I hope your dear brother will be fine.”

Natalie accepted the card, barely glancing at it as she kept it. Not wanting to waste any more breath on the other woman, she turned and left.

If she weren’t so desperate for money to pay her brother’s medical bills, she would never have considered selling her body! Not in a million years!

Once Natalie was gone, Jasmine slipped into the dark room. She took off her clothes and crawled into bed, carefully settling down beside the sleeping man.

When dawn rolled around, Jasmine took a peek at the man beside her. Seeing that he was still asleep, she gave the man a nudge while deliberately whining coyly, “You were such a beast last night. Even now, I’m still sore...”

In the dimly lit room, the man’s eyes snapped wide open upon hearing her voice. His brain was still a little fuzzy from all the alcohol he had imbibed last night. Despite that, he vaguely remembered pinning a woman beneath him. That woman smelled wonderful - almost intoxicating and her skin was incredibly smooth and supple like that of a baby’s. But among that, her best trait was her “flexibility.”


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