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CEO’s Surrender With You I Can Never Win novel Chapter 33

Chapter 33

Bryan stopped at the door.

Finley stopped in front of Bryan and stuffed the bottle of perfume into his hand. “This is Gardenial No. 1. I added special herbs to cure your sickness. Take it to your office, and spray it in the air every

two hours.”

Bryan felt the coldness from the bottle and raised his eyebrows slightly. “Is this the treatment? Isn’t

it slow?”

“One form of my treatment.” Finley looked at him with a smile. “Come back early today. I’ll

acupuncture you.”

Bryan shot one glace at Finley as his answer.

He played with the bottle of perfume in his hand, got in the car with Harry, and left.

Finley watched Maybach drive away and then went back to the dining room.

The awful breakfast on the table was still warm. Finley intended to dump the food after a sigh.

It seemed that Finley had no gifts in cooking.

Einley picked up a plate of burnt eggs when Kate pulled her by the arm. “Mrs. Turner, let me help


Finley left the mess to Kate submissively.

Kate chatted with Finley while cleaning the table. “Mrs. Turner, the grateful mind is beautiful. If you are interested in cooking, I will teach you.”

Kate looked stern but was kind–hearted. Sometimes, she was candid.

Finley knew what kind of person Kate was through the interactions in the past few days. With a

smile, she said, “Thanks.”

Kate nodded. She thumped her waist when standing straight up after wiping the table.

With a frown, Finley said, “Kate, I will write you a prescription. Take the medicine on time, and it will help ease the pain in your waist.”

Finley’s magnanimity embarrassed Kate, who had been bad to Finley in the past few days.

Finley smiled. Pretending that she was ignorant of how Kate felt now, Finley turned around and left.


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