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CEO’s Surrender With You I Can Never Win novel Chapter 6

Chapter 6

When Finley commented on Tricia’s image crumbling, Tina shot her a fierce glare. Then she pounded on the table and yelled for their security staff.

“Guards! Where the h*ll are you? Get in here!”

Finley crossed her arms with a smirk, “You can shout until the cows come home and no one will answer.”

“You crazy b*tch! What did you do?!”

The moment Rita saw Finley’s arrogant look, she remembered the fingers that pointed at her and the tongues that wagged at her when she was in school. She finally lost her patience and snapped, “You shameless sl*t! Isn’t it enough that you’ve brought shame to the family? Get lost!”

Finley shifted her cold gaze to Rita, “Ah, I almost forgot you were there. Don’t worry, your turn will come soon enough.”

Finley taunted Tricia, “Why don’t you throw me out yourself? Wouldn’t that be more satisfying?”

“Do you think I’m afraid of you?!” Tricia finally snapped and yelled. “I’m going to stuff you in that coffin and throw you out of here!”

Before anyone could warn Tricia not to fall for Finley’s blatant provocation, she rushed at Finley.

A loud shriek pierced the air and the coffin slammed shut.


Tina screamed as her daughter was thrown into the coffin. The lid slammed down so fast that it hit her head and she fainted from the pain.

Tricia paled at the sight, glad that it wasn’t her that was thrown in.

“You crazy b*stard! How can you do that to Tricia? Don’t you know that she is the future Mrs. Turner?”

Finley saw Rita’s mouth twisted in distaste when Tina called Tricia the future Mrs. Turner and chuckled out loud.

She wondered briefly how green their faces would be if they found out that the real Young Madam of the Turner family was standing before them.

“The future Mrs. Turner? A woman who schemed and framed me so that I was expelled from school and also helped you dig up my mother’s grave? Ha! I highly doubt the heir to the Turner family would accept such a vicious person as his dog, much less his wife.”

“You crazy b*tch! How dare you?!”

Tina roared and ran toward Finley.

Before her slap fell, Finley grabbed the older woman’s wrist and twisted.

“Let me go you crazy b*stard!”

Finley increased the hold she had on Tina and the woman paled, beads of sweat dotted her brow as

an intense pain shot through her.

“Well, since I’m a crazy b’stard, why should I listen to reason. Wouldn’t I be turning you into a liar if I didn’t act like this? Oh, wait. I forgot. You’re a liar no matter what I do. Oh, well… Here goes nothing.”

Then as Tina was squealing in pain like a pig about to be slaughtered, Finley flipped open the coffin lid and threw Tina in with her daughter.

The lid slammed down once again with a loud bang.

“That’s enough!” Dirk roared.


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