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CEO's Love Trap novel Chapter 15

There was no one else in the bedroom. Baron had already disappeared. Yolande immediately rushed out and searched around. Although the bedroom was large, it was clear that there was no trace of him at all.

Yolande sat on the bed in a daze. 'What did he mean?'

When she was wondering, her phone suddenly rang. A stranger wanted to add her WeChat. She passed the friend request. and was about to throw it aside when a message came.

'It was too careless to pass so easily.'

'Who is he?' She thought. The message from this man was a sharp one.

Looking at the message again, Yolande swallowed hard. It was Baron. Then she received another message.

'From now on, you are not allowed to apply for friends from strangers.'

Yolande rolled her eyes. She was so bossy and rude. 'I have many good friends. Well, you are just my friend now!'

While she was thinking, another message came.

'Have a good rest. Good night.'

Yolande sighed. She had to admire this man's endurance more. Since he knew women so well, she would wait and see.

Lying on the bed and looking at the ceiling, Yolande couldn't fall asleep. Baron was a mystery. In front of her, she was just an innocent rabbit. She'd better not fight with him.

Realizing this fact, Yolande simply closed her eyes and fell asleep. Since there was no possibility of winning, she would see what she could do and face it calmly.

Yolande had a good night's sleep and didn't even have a dream. Every time she went to see her mother, she would always dream of many past things, but this time was an exception.

Rubbing her sleepy eyes and looking at the time, Yolande got up quickly. It was half past nine. It was so late!

She quickly washed up and left the bedroom. As soon as she went out, she saw Baron sitting on the sofa and drinking tea leisurely. She breathed a sigh of relief and went downstairs to him.

"Good morning!"

Seeing Yolande, Baron stood up and said, "have breakfast."

"You..." Seeing that the breakfast was neatly placed on the table, Yolande bit her lips and asked, "Are you wait for me to have breakfast?"

Baron had already sat down at the table, "What's wrong?"

Yolande shook her head. Nothing was wrong, but she didn't expect that Baron would wait for her to have dinner. After all, in her eyes, they were not a normal newly married couple, and he was very busy.

"Drink this?" Yolande was stunned when he saw the rose tea in front of him.

Baron nodded, "drink it more. You will feel better in the future."

Yolande's face flushed. She picked up the bowl and drank it, trying to hide her nervousness. However, she was scalded again, and immediately put down the bowl.

Baron frowned and looked at Yolande's wrinkled face. "Yolande, how did you grow up?"

"What?" Yolande was stunned and asked in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"Before you met me, how can you live till now?" Baron said indifferently.

Yolande was stunned and sad. She remembered her days in the Mu mansion and said slowly, "Alex will take care of me. No matter what they do to me, she will take good care of me."

Baron's eyes flashed with a strange emotion. He looked at Yolande and wondered that How can this man be so…… Naive. He was laughing at her for not being able to take care of herself, which really caused her sadness.

"From now on, I'll be with you."

When Baron uttered these few words, he was also startled. But when he saw the expression on Yolande's face, he felt that he was defeated by this little girl in calmness.

Yolande widened her eyes and looked at Baron, "you? How can you compete with Alex? "

Baron had never thought that he would face such an embarrassing situation. He had said something warm to her heart, but it made people doubt his ability and compare him with a Aunt Housekeeper. Only Yolande dared to do so.

With a darkened face, he ate breakfast and didn't say anything. Yolande realized what she had said wrong, but she didn't know how she had offended the young master of the Gu family. She didn't dare to say anything and just ate with her head down.

The breakfast was finished in such embarrassment. Yolande took the initiative to clean the table, but was stopped by Baron. He really doubted that a woman like Yolande would make the kitchen a mess.

"How can I not clean it up?" Yolande blinked her eyes and pictured the mess in the house.

"I said you don't need it." Baron emphasized. He looked at Yolande up and down and said, "change into a comfortable dress."

Yolande was confused and couldn't keep up with him, but she still nodded. She was not as confused as yesterday.

Seeing that Yolande went upstairs to change her clothes, Baron took out his mobile phone and dialed a number. After giving a few instructions, he saw that Yolande went downstairs happily and hung up the phone.


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