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CEO's Love Trap novel Chapter 18

In the corridor of the hospital, everyone anxiously looked at the door of the emergency room, especially Jennifer. An elegant woman was a little out of control. She walked back and forth and glanced at Yolande from time to time.

Sitting on the bench, Yolande hadn't recovered from what had just happened. All she could see was the villa of the Gu family. The scene that Cathy bumped into the railing made her eyes sting with red blood.

If Baron hadn't held her in his arms, she might have huddled up in a ball. Even now, she was still curling up beside Baron, like a poor kitten with a frightened face.

Seeing that Jennifer was walking restlessly, Baron said, "Sister, calm down."

"How can I calm down?" Baron's words irritated Jennifer. She stopped and looked at him, "Cathy is in the emergency room now. How can I calm down?"


Bertram wanted to say something, but before he could say anything, the door of the operating room suddenly opened, Jennifer and Bertram immediately walked up to him.

"The baby is gone..."

"Baby..." Jennifer widened her eyes and asked in astonishment, "what child?"

Regardless of explaining to her, Bertram asked the doctor, "How was the adult?"

"She is fine. She is weak and needs a good rest."

"Is it possible for us to see her?" Bertram looked at the doctor eagerly, but Jennifer was too stunned to say anything.

"She will be transferred to the ward later, and you can see her."

"Thank you, doctor."

After Bertram sent the doctor away, Jennifer stared at him and asked in a trembling voice, "When did she get pregnant?"

"Auntie, it's my fault." Bertram knelt down in front of Jennifer and said, "I planned to tell you after the examination, but I didn't expect..."

"You..." Jennifer shook her head and sighed, "How can you hide it from me? I'm not an old fogyish woman. If I know that things, I will arrange your marriage as soon as possible. Now, it's Cathy who is suffering! "

"Auntie, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry..." Bertram knelt on the ground and apologized repeatedly, almost crying.

"Swoosh!" the sound of "Swoosh!" came through, and the door of the ward was pushed open. Regardless of anything else, Jennifer threw herself away from Bertram and pounced on her. Looking at her daughter's pale face, she could only shake her head and sigh. Then she quickly followed her to the ward.

Bertram stood up slowly, looked back at Yolande coldly, bit her lips and said in a cold voice.

"Aunt, I really want to know what you and Cathy talked about in the pavilion."

As if waking up from a dream, Yolande looked at Bertram blankly and opened her mouth reluctantly, "I..."

However, Bertram didn't listen to her. He turned around, caught up with her and went to the ward.

"I..." Looking at them leaving in a daze, Yolande turned to Baron and said in a hoarse voice, "I did nothing."

Baron didn't say anything. He gently patted on Yolande's shoulder and held her tighter, but there was no emotion on his face.

"I want to see her." Yolande said in a low voice, as if she was not sure whether she was doing the right thing or not.

Baron still didn't say anything. He helped Yolande up slowly and followed her. She walked very slowly, and her mind was still full of the scene when she fell down. Everything was so incredible that she couldn't understand.

When Baron took Yolande to the door of the ward, they heard the voice of Jennifer.

"Cathy, you finally wake up. I was so scared."

With a shake of Yolande's hand, the unlocked door of the ward was opened. What she saw was the pale face of Cathy, which looked particularly pitiful.

At first, she was lying quietly on the bed. But when she saw Yolande, she immediately got excited. She struggled to sit up and murmured, "aunt, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. Don't force me to abort the baby. I'll kneel down for you..."

All the people present were shocked by the abnormal excitement of Cathy. Jennifer stretched out her hand to stop her from lying down, but Jennifer couldn't stop her waving her hands in horror.

Fortunately, Bertram grabbed her arm in time and pressed her back on the bed, but she was still muttering and even crying.

"Aunt, don't be angry. Don't tell my mother..."

Yolande was completely shocked. Standing at the door of the ward, she looked at the crazy Cathy and snuggled up to Baron at a loss.

"All of you, get out." Jennifer's voice was trembling. Looking at her daughter's crazy behavior, tears were welling up in her eyes. "Don't you see that she doesn't want to see you?"


Yolande wanted to explain, but Baron interrupted her, "let's go."


Yolande looked at Baron. Baron's face was gloomy. She didn't dare to say anything more. She lowered her head and let him take her out of the ward. She felt wronged and didn't even give her a chance to speak.

After leaving the ward, Yolande gradually calmed down. Baron took her directly out of the hospital, and Yolande was still a little worried. She turned around and looked at the ward of Cathy.

"I didn't..."

Yolande wanted to explain, but was interrupted by Baron again. "No need to explain."


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