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CEO's Love Trap novel Chapter 24

Confused, Yolande looked at her with a sweet smile and asked, "what do you mean?"

Sweet smiled, turned around, poured two glasses of wine and handed one to Yolande.

Yolande hesitated for a moment and shook her head. She still remembered that Baron wanted her to have a baby. Since he had agreed, she hoped to have a healthy baby. She'd better not drink too much.

"Sister, you always like drinking red wine." looking at Yolande from head to toe for a few seconds, Edward nodded thoughtfully, "you…… Are you pregnant? "


Before Yolande could finish her words, she heard her father calling her, "Yolande, Sweet."

Yolande had a lot of questions to ask, and she was not in the mood to stay any longer. She accompanied her back to the hall.

"Yolande, it's getting late." Baron looked at Yolande.

Yolande nodded, looked back at her with a meaningful look, and then said goodbye to them, "we're not disturbing. We're going back."

Ron, Jessie and Sweet had been sending them out until their car was started.

In the car, Yolande seemed very tired. She leaned against the seat and closed her eyes.

Baron noticed that there was something wrong with Yolande. He slowed down the car and tried to make it as steady as possible. Yolande felt his intention, but she didn't open her eyes because she had a lingering shadow in her heart.

You really have to thank us, especially me!

Sweet's words were like a thorn in her heart.

What did she mean? It was they who forced her into a corner that married Baron. Although Jack is indeed a top bachelor. But that doesn't mean she has to thank them.

After all, for her, marriage should be based on love, not one night stand!

one night stand!

If it weren't for that night, would he come to her and ask her to marry him?

Maybe he would let her marry him for the sake of the Mu Mansion, but she didn't know whether the Mu Mansion was his purpose or not.

They might not be strangers at all!

Yolande shook her head hard. Coincidentally, the car turned a corner, and her little head hit the door at once. The pain made her immediately cover her hand, and her little face twisted.

Hearing the sound of brake, Baron reached out his hand and held Yolande in his arms.

"Are you okay?"

"Nothing." Yolande threw herself into Baron's arms and sniffed his unique masculine breath. She couldn't help but feel sad, with tears in her eyes and choked with sobs as soon as she spoke.

Hearing such a voice, Baron immediately became nervous. He touched her head with his warm hand and asked, "Where did you hit? Does it hurt? "

"It doesn't hurt." Yolande wanted to calm herself down, but when she heard Baron's sweet words, tears were about to come out, which was even more serious in Baron's ears.

Baron put his arm around Yolande's shoulder. Yolande lowered her head and didn't want him to see her embarrassed. He pinched her chin to make her look into his eyes. Only then did he find that the woman in his arms had tears all over her face.

Baron felt nervous and was about to get off the car, "go to the hospital."

"No!" Yolande pulled Baron and shook her head.

"Of course I will,"

Baron still wanted to get off the car, but Yolande grabbed him with all her strength, but she could only shake her head desperately. "No, I really don't need it."


Baron wanted to say something more, but Yolande threw herself into his arms and held him tightly. "All right. Let me stay for a while."

Baron was stunned. The tears fell on Yolande's chest, and the burning feeling made his heart ache. He never knew that a woman's tears would make him so at a loss.

Resting her head on Baron's chest, Yolande shrugged her shoulders and cried sadly. She didn't know why she was so sad. Perhaps she had suffered a lot in the past, and now there was finally someone who could make her cry.

After a long time, Yolande finally stopped sobbing. She slowly raised her head and looked at Baron. Her eyes were red and swollen like two peaches.

"Don't cry," Baron looked at it and felt inexplicably irritable. "Have you forgotten?"

"I'm sorry." At first, Yolande was very grateful to Baron. He didn't move at all and cried for a long time in her arms. But when she was about to thank him, he was angry. Her gratitude was shattered, "I won't do it again."

Hearing the soft voice of Yolande, the impatience in Baron's heart vanished, but he still said resolutely, "go back and accept the punishment."

Hearing the punishment, Yolande was shocked. She was so moved that she blinked her eyes and asked, "What punishment?"

Baron glanced at Yolande with malicious eyes and said nothing.

Yolande swallowed when he saw the look in Baron's eyes. She had cried for a long time, and the punishment seemed to be not small. Yolande was so scared all the way to the apartment.

Back in the hall, Yolande stood there, still remembering to accept the punishment. She didn't even dare to sit down and lowered her head.


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