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CEO's Love Trap novel Chapter 34

The sudden voice scared Yolande to step back. She lost her balance and was about to fall to the ground.

Baron stretched out his long arm and pulled Yolande back. Yolande sat directly on his lap in an intimate posture between the two.

Yolande blushed and felt speechless. It seemed that she had been falling since she met Baron. Of course, Baron had never let her fall to the ground.

"What are you thinking about?" Seeing that Yolande's face turned red but her eyes were shining, Baron couldn't help smiling. She looked so comfortable in this way.

"Nothing." Yolande shook her head immediately. Thinking of what she had just thought, she felt guilty. Why did she become a lascivious woman? It was this man who misled her.

Seeing that Yolande's face was getting redder and redder, Baron reached out and pinched her chin. He wanted to pinch her chin just now, but he didn't pinch it until now.

"In your dream?"

Yolande was stunned for a moment, and then pursed her lips. Thinking of the blurry scene in her dream, she still had a fever in her ears. She shook her head and said, "No."

"No?" Staring at Yolande's eyes, Baron found that this little woman always blinked and spoke incoherently when she was lying. "Then why are you calling my name?"

"Did I call your name?" Yolande immediately became nervous. "Did I say anything else?"

"A lot." Baron looked at Yolande with interest.

"What?" Yolande became more nervous. She stared at Baron and asked, "Did I say something that I shouldn't have said?"

"What are you talking about?" Baron looked at Yolande seriously.


Yolande pursed her lips. It was a trap. Since it was something that she shouldn't say, she didn't care whether she said it in her dream or not. If she said it out now to let him judge if there was something that she shouldn't say in her dream, she would say everything that she shouldn't say.

Seeing that Yolande didn't say anything, Baron thought for a while and said, "I can't judge if you have said something that you shouldn't have said."

Yolande nodded. Her words were quite pleasant to hear, although there was no substantial content.

"Because of what you said," Baron looked at Yolande and nodded. "I can't hear it clearly."

Yolande was stunned. Did he mean to make her nervous? She breathed a sigh of relief and giggled, "Okay, you are very good."

"Good?" Baron looked at Yolande and giggled, "it must be something bad."

Yolande immediately shut her mouth, but her stomach growled, making her face turn green.

"I'll feed you first."

As Baron spoke, he stood up with Yolande in his arms and even went downstairs with her in his arms.

"Wait a minute." Yolande shouted and struggled, "I have to wash my face and wake up."

Baron nodded and finally put her down. He rubbed her long hair and said, "You are right, you should wake up. I'll ask Alex to prepare the midnight snack."

Yolande nodded. Seeing Baron leave, she breathed a sigh of relief. She was always afraid of being betrayed by this man when she was with him.

However, if he really wanted to sell her, no matter how careful he was, he would not be able to avoid it.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt it was an insult to her IQ. So she went to wash her face.

When Yolande arrived at the hall, the midnight snack was ready!

They sat face to face. Yolande was so hungry that she wolfed down the food. To her, it was not a midnight snack, but a big meal.

After all, she hadn't eaten well all day.

Seeing that Yolande was eating, Baron also ate slowly.

After eating for a while, the stock in her stomach slowed down and she looked at Baron.

"Baron, I've sorted out our relationship,"

Baron leaned back and looked at Yolande, "what's our relationship?"

"Yolanda and Cathy conspired to frame us up. We..." After a pause, Yolande turned to her and said, "Cathy took a photo and threatened me to divorce her."

Baron nodded, "It's brief and to the point. You summarized well."

"Well..." Yolande was a little speechless about this comment. "How did you find out that it was Cathy who did it?"

"You told me." Baron looked at Yolande and said seriously.

"Me?" Yolande was surprised. "Don't be kidding. I just told you that I don't know anything about the matter of Sweet and the matter of Cathy."

"To be exact, your phone told me that." Baron pointed at the phone at the hand of Yolande.

"Cellphone?" Yolande was still confused. "You saw my phone that morning? But I checked my phone many times, but I didn't find anything wrong. "

Chapter 34 Vexatious 1

Chapter 34 Vexatious 2


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