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CEO's Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery novel Chapter 1457

“I'm not trying to run. I was just going to close the door,” Jamie quickly explained, panic in her voice.

There was no way she could leave now. Ben was already venting his anger on Winnie because of her, and if she walked away, she would be leaving her sister even more vulnerable.

“Did I say you could close the door?” Ben’s tone was anything but satisfied.

His fingers reached for her collar, and with one sharp tug, he tore it apart. “And I didn’t say you could walk. Remember our old dog? It always crawled around on all fours.”

He paused, then let out a mocking chuckle. “But maybe you’ve forgotten all about that. Should I find a video to refresh your memory?”

“I haven’t forgotten.” Jamie shook her head, her voice barely a whisper.

That dog held so many happy memories for the two of them. She had planned to take it with her the day his mother showed up, forcing her to leave. But she had been stopped.

His mother’s words were burned into her memory. “That money may seem like a fortune to you, something you’ll never earn in a lifetime, but it’s nothing to the Lucas family. You don’t belong in our world, but a dog can stay. Are you sure you want to take it along and drag it down with you?”*

Jamie would never forget that moment. She had realized then how wide the gap was between them and reluctantly gave up the dog. Looking back, it had been the right choice.

For the past few years, she had been juggling work and caring for her son alone, barely keeping her head above water. She wouldn’t have had the energy to care for a dog.

“How’s Donut doing now?” she asked, her eyes red.

Donut, their fluffy white dog, had been her joy.

Ben’s words cut deep. “After you left, I sold it to a butcher.”


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