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CEO's Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery novel Chapter 1599

Jamie asked the assistant for the family’s information.

The assistant looked surprised. “What do you need this for?”

She casually made up an excuse.

After getting the address, she quickly took a cab to the family’s home. They lived in an old building in the rundown part of town. Most of the buildings there were slated for demolition. The walls were peeling, and everything looked aged beyond repair. Even the doors were heavy iron ones.

Jamie knocked on the door.

A woman’s voice called out from inside, “Who is it?”

Jamie waited patiently. Soon, a woman in an apron opened the door. The stranger’s face filled her with suspicion.

Jamie held up a box of milk and some fruit she had bought on the way. She smiled warmly. “Community outreach program. Here to bring you some care packages.”

That was enough to get the woman to open the door.

Holding the gifts, the woman softened. Her face relaxed into a smile. “We haven’t had something like this in ages! Is everyone in the area getting one?”

“For now, it’s just your neighborhood.” Jamie made her way inside.

The woman led her to the living room, where she sat down. Jamie glanced around the house. It was an ordinary setup. The walls had wallpaper, but it couldn’t hide how much the place had aged.

She looked back at the woman with a sigh. “Not many people are willing to stay in these old houses anymore.”

“If I could afford a better place, why would I still be here?” The woman sighed, pouring a cup of tea.

Jamie accepted it with thanks, then gently shifted the topic.

“Have you ever thought about moving? Renting somewhere else wouldn’t be too hard. And I’ve heard this area is being redeveloped soon. You could get a hefty payout.”

“That money isn’t much…” The woman trailed off mid-sentence, then gave Jamie a sharp look. “Why are you asking all this?”

Jamie froze for a moment.


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