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CEO's Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery novel Chapter 1609

Jamie paid the cab fare and got out of the car.

“Thank you. I’ll get off here.”

After stepping out, she headed straight for the black car. As she reached it, she knocked on the window. Ben turned his head at the sound, his gaze landing on her with mild surprise.

Rolling the window down, her voice reached him. “Ben, unlock the door.”

His eyes flickered with a trace of emotion, and after a moment of hesitation, he reached over and unlocked the door. Jamie climbed in without wasting a second.

“Why did you come here alone without saying a word? You know Charlie hasn’t been dismissed from school yet at this hour.”

“I just came to take a look.”

“I already heard about it from your assistant,” Jamie said, cutting to the point.

Ben’s lips twisted into a bitter, self-deprecating smile. “You don’t need to tell me. I already know who’s behind it.”

He didn’t need to guess. The only person capable of putting him in such a position and didn’t want him to be a lawyer, was his father.

Ben didn’t know whether to feel grateful or bitter.

There was no doubt his father had high expectations for him, but that was exactly the problem. Being “just a lawyer” was never enough in his father’s eyes. His father wanted him to step into his shoes, to run Lucas Corporation and take charge of the family business.

“I was debating whether to go to the hospital,” Ben said with a wry smile. “But life didn’t hesitate to slap me in the face before I could decide.”

“This is my fault,” Jamie murmured, her heart aching with guilt. “If I hadn’t pushed you, you wouldn’t be in this situation.”

“It’s not your fault. It’s mine,” Ben said, his voice calm but distant.

Jamie felt no relief at his detachment. Instead, the calmer he seemed, the more her heart ached for him. She knew how much turmoil he must be suppressing.


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