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CEO's Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery novel Chapter 1622

Charlie had even asked his classmates at preschool about their grandmothers, curiously comparing them to his own.

It didn’t take long for him to realize that his grandmother was quite different. None of his friends’ grandmothers behaved like a child, playing games or speaking in such an unclear, disjointed way.

But Charlie didn’t mind. In fact, he adored his grandmother just the way she was.

Seeing Charlie nearby, sticking close to Linda and watching over her, Jamie felt reassured and continued selecting groceries.

Just as she decided she had everything she needed and was ready to check out, a commotion broke out nearby.

"Hey, this old lady stole something! Somebody grab the thief!"

“That’s not true!” Charlie’s voice rang out, loud and defiant. “My grandma isn’t a thief! You must have dropped it, and she picked it up to look at it.”

The accuser was a middle-aged woman with her young daughter in tow. As an adult, she easily dismissed Charlie’s protests and placed all the blame on Linda, the only adult present.

“I just set my phone down for a moment while taking care of my kid and grabbing groceries. Then your grandma takes it, and somehow she’s in the right?” the woman sneered.

A small crowd began to gather, and she raised her voice, clearly enjoying the attention.

“Everyone, come judge this for yourselves! Who’s in the wrong here? She’s a grown woman. How could she not know it’s wrong to touch someone else’s property?”

“She’s right. Taking other people’s stuff is stealing.”

“Little boy, it’s your grandma’s fault this time.”

Charlie’s face flushed red with anger and frustration. “It’s not true! Grandma was trying to give the phone back to its owner!”


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