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CEO's Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery novel Chapter 17

Chapter 17

The man stood with his hands in his pockets, his gentle gaze fixed on Nina for a while before he said, “I’m Scott Lucas. Nina, we were in the same class in elementary and middle school.”

Nina’s mind wandered for a while. In her memory, Scott was completely different. He used to be a chubby kid, always sitting quietly at the back of the class every semester, hardly noticed by anyone.

She didn’t have much interaction with him. With her consistently excellent academic performance, she served as the class monitor, and at most only exchanged a few words with him during homework assignments.

She never expected such a

transformation; he had become so good- looking. “Scott?” Nina’s lips curled

slightly. “You’ve changed so much. I almost didn’t recognize you.”

“Yeah, I’ve changed a lot. It’s normal that

you didn’t recognize me,” Scott’s deep eyes stared at her. “Many classmates don’t recognize me anymore, but I recognize you.”

Nina was happy to see her old classmate. After starting work, she rarely attended class reunions due to her busy schedule. Her life was monotonous, revolving around work and family. Apart from work -related acquaintances, Yvonne was her only friend.

Thinking this way, her life seemed quite dull, with most of it devoted to Nash.

“After middle school, where did you go? I don’t think I’ve heard any news about you,” Nina chatted with him.

“I studied abroad,” Scott replied. “I just returned recently.”

“I see,” Nina looked at his soaked suit. Take your clothes off. I’ll wash them for you.”

“It’s really not necessary.”

Nina insisted, “It’s been ages since we

last saw each other, and I feel bad about giving you such a ‘grand gift.‘ Let me wash it, and I’ll return it to you later.”


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