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CEO's Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery novel Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Hearing this, Nash was shocked and turned pale, furrowing his brows tightly. He said, “Where are you? I’ll be right there!”

“What’s happening, Nash?” Miranda asked, seeing his urgency.

“Nina is in trouble!” Nash didn’t even glance at her, he just ran out.

Seeing how hurried he was, Miranda sensed his deep concern for Nina, but she had no idea what was going on. Nina had been perfectly fine during the day. How could something happen so suddenly? She looked at the gift box left behind, untouched, feeling a pang of disappointment.

The assistant beside her said, “Just a few hours ago, Nina was fine. What could have happened? Could it be that she found out Mr. York was here and

intentionally caused trouble to ruin the relationship between you two?”

Miranda’s face went slightly pale, but she composed herself and said, “That’s unlikely. Nina isn’t that petty. Maybe something really did happen. I’m thinking if I should go help.”

“Miranda, you’re too kind. I think Nina is quite cunning,” the assistant said. “You can’t let her bully you. Mr. York and you are meant to be together. Nina snatched your man away. You shouldn’t sympathize with her. If she hadn’t interfered, you and Mr. York would have been together long ago.”

The assistant badmouthed Nina, feeling indignant for Miranda.

Nash arrived at the address given, which was a hotel. He rushed upstairs and opened the door to the suite. “Nina!”

Entering, he found Nina lying asleep on the bed. He looked around but didn’t see any danger. He carefully inspected the room. Walking to the bedside, he called out, “Nina.”

At that moment, Nina woke up, opened her eyes, and saw Nash. She sat up and asked, “What are you doing here?”


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