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CEO's Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery novel Chapter 5

Nina stopped in her tracks, her demeanor devoid of the harmony that would typically exist between them as spouses, instead exuding an air of detachment more akin to that of superior and subordinate: "Mr. York, do you have any further instructions?"

Nash turned his head, gazing at Nina's somewhat distant expression, his tone carrying a commanding undertone. "Sit down."

Nina suddenly couldn't fathom what he intended to do next.

Nash approached.

As he drew nearer, Nina watched, sensing a difference in the air, making it feel thin, tense, and peculiar.

She remained still, but Nash took the initiative to grasp her hand.

The warmth of his palm against hers felt like a burn, and she instinctively tried to pull away. However, Nash held her firmly, not giving her the chance to withdraw, pulling her aside instead, his brows furrowed as he asked, "You've injured your hand. Didn't you notice?"

His concern caught Nina off guard. "I... I'm fine," she stammered.

"Your hand has blistered," Nash remarked. "Why didn't you tell me?"

She lowered her gaze to their clasped hands, which were now being examined by him. Over the many years they had known each other, there had been countless times when she wanted to hold his hand, seeking warmth and guidance. But she never had the chance. Just when she was ready to give up, he would offer her a trace of warmth again.

"It's just a minor issue. I think it'll be fine in a couple of days," Nina replied.

"I'll have someone bring over some burn ointment," Nash stated.

Nina felt her eyes welling up with tears. After holding on for so many years, it seemed like there was finally a bit of reciprocation. Yet, she remained soberly aware—he didn't love her.

Nash took the burn ointment and applied it to her wound. Watching him crouch in front of her, being so careful, made her feel like she might become the woman he cherished.

It seemed like even a small injury would make him look at her a little longer. She even had the ridiculous thought that being by his side for seven years, diligently taking care of him every day, was not as effective as getting a minor injury to attract his attention. This little injury was worth it.

A tear rolled down her cheek, landing perfectly on the back of Nash's hand. He raised his gaze, noticing Nina's moist eyes. It was the first time he had seen her show emotion in front of him.

"Why are you crying? Did I hurt you?"

Nina felt her emotions fluctuating too much, feeling unlike herself. "It's not painful, it's just my eyes are uncomfortable. Mr. York, I won't let this happen again."

Having heard her polite words countless times, Nash was a bit tired of it. He frowned. "At home, it's not like we're at the office. You don't have to be fully armored in front of me every day. At home, you can call me by my name."

But for the past seven years, Nina had lived like this. At the office, she was a qualified secretary. At home, she had the title of Mrs. York, but she still did the things a secretary should do.

Nina looked at his face, the one she had admired for so many years. The feeling of not getting a response from the person she loved for so long would eventually become exhausting. She paused and finally spoke up, "Nash, when should we go and process the divorce…"

But Nash pulled her into his arms, causing Nina to stiffen, her head against his shoulder, unable to say anything.

Nash furrowed his brows. "I'm tired today. Let's talk about it tomorrow."

Nina had no choice but to drop the subject.

Lying in bed, Nina felt that he was behaving somewhat differently. His body was pressed tightly against hers, making her feel his warm temperature. His hand wrapped around her waist, enveloping her in the comforting scent of pine, giving her a sense of security.

His large palm pressed against her abdomen, causing her body to slightly recoil, and his warm breath whispered in her ear, "Are you afraid of tickling?"


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