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Chasing My Pregnant Wife (Rosalie and Theodore) novel Chapter 241

Chapter 241 

Anthony, has Theo made work arrangements for everyone?Rosalie asked

Master Theodore hasn’t moved to his new place yet. He’s still at the old villa, and we haven’t moved out either.” 

Really? You’re all still at the old villa?Rosalie was shocked; she hadassumed Theodore had left the day they divorced

Is TheoIs he home right now?she asked again

Yes, Master Theodore is here. He’s injured. Judging by the wounds, it looks like Madam Jarvis hit him with her cane. He’ll be bedridden for 

a few days.” 

Rosalie frowned deeply. Theodore had been getting hurt a lot lately. Rebecca must have hit him hard, or he wouldn’t need to stay in bed. for days

Madam Rosalie, would you like to come back and see Master 


II don’t think it’s appropriate for me to come back now. We’re divorced. I’m not your mistress anymore.” 

But you’re still part of the Spencer family, and you have some things left here. It’s perfectly normal to come back and get them.” 

Anthony seemed to sense the concern in Rosalie’s voice, and gave her a way out

Rosalie forced herself to smile. I guess I do have some things left there. I might as well come and get them.” 

Alright, Madam Rosalie. I won’t tell Master Theodore that you’re 

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coming. After all, this is your house, and you don’t need to inform me before you come.” 

Anthony was clever; he knew exactly what to say to make Rosalie feel less awkward

Okay, thank you.” 

After hanging up, Rosalie let out a long sigh. In an attempt to convince herself, she murmured, Just this once, Rosalie.” 

They had argued yesterday, and Rebecca overheard. Rosalie played a part in it, and now, Theodore was the one who took the punishment alone. She had to go check on him

Theodore was lying face down on the bed while Anthony applied medicine to his injuries. His back was covered in bruises, some places so bad they bore the marks of Rebecca’s cane. She had hit him hard, almost as if she wanted to beat him to death

His back was blue and purple, with many cuts and bleeding spots. He couldn’t even lie down to sleep; he had to stay on his stomach

He had endured the pain on his way back, almost fainting on the road

Anthony’s hands trembled as he applied the medicine and sighed deeply. He moved carefully and gently

Theodore frowned. Hurry up

Anthony paused for a moment while applying the medicine. Master Theodore, your injuries are quite severe. Maybe you should go to the hospital. I’m worried about infection!” 

If I’m not worried about my own body, why should you be? Just hurry up and finish applying the medicine, Theodore snapped

Anthony sighed inwardly, and continued tending to Theodore’s 

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