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Chasing My Pregnant Wife (Rosalie and Theodore) novel Chapter 332

Chapter 332 

Sebastian looked at Rosalie in worry! A few seconds later, he said coldly, Not really. We’re just casual friends. We don’t see each other very often. Yvonne hangs out with her more.” 

Yvonne never expected her brother to say that, but she knew he was trying to protect Rosalie

Rosalie was puzzled to hear Sebastian’s words. She had a hunch he was pretending to be unfamiliar with her on purposehe was doing it was 

for her sake. His father didn’t seem too kind

Oh, is that so?Geoffrey sounded somewhat sarcastic, and his sharp gaze fell on Rosalie again. Miss Young, my son says you two are just casual friends. Is that true?” 

Yes, Dad,Yvonne answered quickly. She and Seb are just normal friends. We’re closer.” 

Yvonne hurriedly linked her arm with Rosalie’s. I called her here to hang out. I didn’t think we’d find you two here. We’ll leave immediately

She knew her brother must be deathly anxious right now. The only thing she could do was to take Rosalie away

Sebastian shot Yvonne a discreet look, hinting at her to take Rosalie away as quickly as possible. At once, Yvonne grabbed Rosalie’s hand. She was about to lead Rosalie away when the latter shook off her hand

Wait a minute.” 

Rosalie stepped forward with her notebook

Mr. Carter, I came here today because of Sebastian. Whether we are 

+25 BONUS 

casual friends or good friends, it doesn’t matter. I’m only here to solve a problem.” 

Geoffrey narrowed his eyes, leveling her with an icy glare. Solve al problem?” 

That’s right.Rosalie took another brave step forward. I won’t beat. around the bush. I know why you want to punish Sebastian. It’s because Regent Co. took Skycrest Enterprise’s project, and you think. Sebastian did a bad job.” 

She faced Geoffrey fearlessly, neither humble nor overbearing. This fearlessness didn’t stem from the recklessness of youth, but from courage deep inside her

What on earth are you talking about?Sebastian spat. What does it have to do with you? Leave now! Don’t get in the way!” 

Rosalie turned to look at Sebastian. Not only was his voice severe, but his expression was also fiercehe was completely different from his usual self. For once, he was treating harshly


Yet, she didn’t feel upset. She knew he was only driving her away because he didn’t want her to get involved in this mess

But she was his friendand as a friend, she couldn’t simply leave. She couldn’t stand by and watch Sebastian get beaten

Just like when Rebecca beat Theodore

Rebecca was an elderly woman, but she could still beat Theodore black and blue. What more Geoffrey, who looked ten times stronger than her

If Rosalie left right now, Sebastian would probably end up in the 


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