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Chasing My Pregnant Wife (Rosalie and Theodore) novel Chapter 37

Chapter 37 

Rosalie laughed bitterly. What have I done behind your back? Hurt your Cindy? Do you know the whole story? You only heard what I said. at the end, but not what she said earlier!” 

That’s enough!Theodore interrupted her. I know what she said. I can show you all of Cindy’s medical records. If you knew what she’s been through, you would feel ashamed instead of questioning her 


Rosalie was momentarily speechless. She did indeed doubt Cynthia, especially after seeing her looking healthy at the restaurant, while Theodore remained convinced otherwise

But whenever Cynthia went to the hospital, Theodore was always with her. It would be difficult for Cynthia to deceive him, but it wasn’t entirely impossible. Even in Theodore’s presence, Cynthia could have. faked her condition, like Rosalie had done when she concealed her pregnancy from him

Apart from her health, Cynthia was also clearly acting in other 

aspects, especially when Theodore was around. She deliberately said. things to provoke certain answers from Rosalie, taking them out of context to mislead Theodore

Theo, don’t be angry. It’s all my fault for telling Rosalie about my health. It’s normal for her to doubt me. After all, she didn’t know. Don’t blame her,Cynthia pleaded, making herself out to be a pitiful. victim, seemingly speaking up for Rosalie but evoking sympathy for herself

Meanwhile, Rosalie seemed unbothered. She neither shed tears nor showed remorse, resembling a bully who picked on her victim and made people sympathize with the weaker party

+25 BONUS 

If one could view the situation after knowing all the facts, it was easy to understand what was happening. However, when experiencing it firsthand, few people could see the whole picture objectively and would often be biased. People would even criticize others vehemently because they believed baseless online rumors, let alone ambiguous. reallife situations

Don’t cry, Cindy. You’re not well.Theodore immediately wiped away her tears with a tissue

Cynthia’s tears flowed freely as she tightly grasped Theodore’s hand. Then, promise me, don’t be mad at her. Forgive her. I don’t want you two to fight because of me.” 

Theodore turned his head, giving Rosalie a cold glance before tenderly speaking to Cynthia, Okay, I forgive her.” 

Seeing the couple holding hands tightly, Rosalie felt almost no 

sadness, only anger

Theodore, what gives you the right to forgive me? What have I done wrong that requires your forgiveness?” 

Why should this couple stand on a moral high ground to forgive her? It was clear they were acting unreasonably

That’s enough. Stop causing a scene.” 

Theodore’s anger flared up in an unusual display, as if he was growing impatient because Rosalie was being unreasonable

Do you think I’m just causing a scene?” 

A completely provoked Rosalie suddenly rushed forward, forcefully separating Theodore and Cynthia’s hands. Her sudden action took Theodore aback. First, he was stunned, then irritated

Are you out of your mind? What are you doing?” 

Exactly. I’m crazy, and I’m making that, wouldn’t it be unjust if I didn’t

Unjust to you?Theodore seemed talking about?” 


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