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Chasing My Pregnant Wife (Rosalie and Theodore) novel Chapter 41

Chapter 41 

-15 BONUS 

Theodore frowned, a trace of anger flashing in his eyes

Rosalie stared blankly at the crystal bracelet on the ground, as if it represented the irreparable rift between her and Theodore. She silently bent down, picked up the broken pieces, and threw them into a nearby trash can before walking away

Consumed by an inexplicable anger, Theodore strode forward and grabbed Rosalie’s wrist forcefully. What is the meaning of this?!” 

From Theodore’s perspective, Rosalie had deliberately broken the crystal bracelet

Rosalie winced from his strong grip, frowning as she struggled to free her hand. I don’t understand what you mean.” 

She knew he was asking about the crystal bracelet, but why was he so angry? It was just a gift he had casually bought for her based on Cynthia’s suggestion

With a cold expression on his face, Theodore was about to speak when Wesley intervened

Do you want to make a spectacle? Should I grab a megaphone and call all the employees here?” 

As Wesley spoke, Theodore noticed some employees glancing over, but they quickly averted their gazes, only casting curious glances before hurriedly leaving. Such a scene would undoubtedly attract 


Theodore took a deep breath, suppressing his anger as he turned to 

Rosalie. Let’s discuss this at home

That’s right, you should go home. Tonight, we’re having dinner with 

your grandmother at the manor. Remember to come. Wesley’s sharp gaze landed on Cynthia as he added. Don’t bring outsiders unless you want to upset your grandmother.” 

The emphasis on outsiderswas heavy. Cynthia’s expression turned sour, but she couldn’t lash out and could only swallow her anger

After Wesley left, Rosalie followed suit without even glancing at Theodore, who stared at his wife’s slender figure walking away. feeling like his heart had been hollowed out 

Suddenly, Cynthia exclaimed loudly and began to lean to the side. Theodore quickly rushed forward to catch her 

Theo, are you really going to your grandmother’s place for dinner 


Theodore modded. Yes, it’s been a lộng time since I’ve had dinner with Grandima. I have to ge 

Cynthia looked sad when she heard his answer. But I’ve already 

bought the ingredients for the dish wanted to make for you. They can only stay fresh for one night. If you don’t come to my place, Ni 

have to throw them away 

You’re not well, so you shouldn’t cook.” 

But I want to Cynthia held Theodore’s hand How about you come to my place earlier today, have dinner with me, and then go home afterward? It’s okay if you eat less at my place 


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