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Chasing My Pregnant Wife (Rosalie and Theodore) novel Chapter 432

When they arrived in the city hall, Geoffrey’s assistant was already waiting.

Everything went smoothly, and the couple soon received their marriage certificate.

Rosalie stared at the marriage certificate in her hand, her heart racing. She suddenly felt a great deal of pressure. Even though she knew it was a fake marriage and she was only helping a friend, seeing the certificate still made her think about the time she got her certificate with Theodore.

Even though it was just over a year ago, it felt like decades.

As they exited the city hall, the assistant said, “Mr. and Mrs. Carter, the chairman has requested for you to go home right after you received the marriage certificate so you can have a meal together.”

Sebastian nodded. “Alright, I’ll take Rose back.”

The assistant left. He had completed his task of witnessing the couple obtaining the certificate in person and ensuring it wasn’t a forgery.

After the assistant departed, the two of them looked at each other while holding the marriage certificate. The air between them was a bit awkward.

Rosalie put the certificate back in her bag. To make Sebastian feel less burdened, she looked up and smiled. “See, the problem is solved. You don’t need the arranged marriage anymore.”

“But it’s still unfair to you,” Sebastian said, feeling guilty.

Rosalie shook her head. “There’s nothing unfair about it. I don’t feel wronged at all. Even though we’re married, you’re free. Just don’t let your family know about anything you do.”

Sebastian responded with a simple “Okay.”

“Alright, let’s go. We need to have a meal with your family. Let’s give them a show.”

The two of them got in the car, and went to the Carter Residence.

At the dinner table, everyone gathered around. They were all Carter family members.


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