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Chasing My Pregnant Wife (Rosalie and Theodore) novel Chapter 450

The next day, Rosalie woke up in the middle of a nightmare.

“Seb, no! No!”

She dreamt of Sebastian fighting with Theodore, and Theodore beating Sebastian to death.

The first thing she did after jumping out of bed was to check her phone and see if Sebastian called her.

He didn’t.

Rosalie freshened herself up, planning to go to Sebastian’s office to find him. He might be deliberately ignoring her calls.

Once she was ready, she opened the door. Lo and behold, she saw Theodore standing outside. She jumped back in fright, and was about to slam the door shut when he raised his hand and pressed it against the door.

“Wait,” he said.

“Theodore Spencer, can you please stop harassing me?”

This man was suffocating her first thing in the morning.

“Rose, can’t you just talk calmly to me? I’ve been waiting for you here since four in the morning. I didn’t want to disturb you, so I didn’t knock and decided to wait till you came out. I don’t mean to force you, but can’t we just sit down and talk calmly?”

There was a hint of fatigue on Theodore’s face; he looked as though he really didn’t sleep the whole night.

“What else is there to talk about between us?” Rosalie had no energy to argue with him. “I have something to do. I need to leave. I don’t have time. Please go away.”

“Where are you going?” Theodore asked coldly, shooting her a suspicious glare. “Are you going to look for Sebastian?”

“What business is it of yours? Step aside.”

“You’re going to find him.”

Theodore pressed Rosalie against the wall. “Why do you care so much about him? I don’t believe you two are just friends.”

“We’re husband and wife,” Rosalie sneered. “Didn’t I tell you that we’ve already registered our marriage?”


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