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Chasing My Pregnant Wife (Rosalie and Theodore) novel Chapter 497

Rosalie waited outside the operating theater until it was nine at night.

The doors to the theater finally opened after five arduous hours of surgery drew to a close.

When the doctor came out, Rosalie rushed forward and asked, “Doctor, how is he?”

“The patient’s appendix ruptured. Given his condition, we couldn’t do laparoscopy surgery and had to operate on him by the traditional method of open gastric surgery. When we did so, we found gastrointestinal perforations and adhesions, but the operation was a success. He needs a lot of rest and recuperation to prevent infection,” the doctor explained.

“This means he’ll recover, right?”

The doctor nodded. “Yes, he will. Make sure he gets lots of rest and he’ll recover.”

Rosalie heaved a sigh of relief. “Got it. Thanks, Doctor.”

Yerick was pushed out of the theater. He was still unconscious from the anesthesia, and Rosalie followed him back to the ward.

Yerick needed someone to take care of him, but Rosalie couldn’t keep staying with him. She had to go to Sebastian. She didn’t have the number of anyone in Yerick’s family, so she could only call for a nurse in the hospital to take care of him and cover the costs for it.

It was already very late, and Yerick would only wake up the next day. When the nurse arrived at his ward, Rosalie reminded her to take good care of Yerick before heading straight to Sebastian’s ward.

Sebastian was in the VIP ward upstairs. Rosalie stood at the lift lobby for a long time, anxious to go to Sebastian as soon as she could. She decided to take the stairs, since it was only three flights up.

She didn’t expect herself to be panting heavily after just one flight. She went out of breath, almost dizzy.

Suddenly, her knees when weak and she fell backward. She instinctively grabbed the handrail, but missed.

She landed in a warm embrace, and heaved a sigh of relief when she felt the warmth of a body right behind her. Thankfully, she didn’t fall smack on the ground, or the consequences would have been dire.


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