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Chasing My Pregnant Wife (Rosalie and Theodore) novel Chapter 525

She planned to tell Theodore that she had slowly come to terms with things, but at a later time.

Right now, she was still in a nominal marriage with Sebastian. The situation was messy with the three of them involved. Once Sebastian recovered, the divorce would be finalized, and the child would be here. She would talk about it then.

If Theodore knew that they had a child, he wouldn’t give up. Moreover, Sebastian couldn’t handle any more stress in his current situation.

Theodore nodded. “If you don’t want to hear it, I won’t talk about it anymore. I won’t bring it up again.”

“Theo, actually, after what you told me today, I feel like you’ve grown up. You've started to consider things from other people's perspectives. I take back the harsh words I said to you before.”

This was the most comforting thing Theodore had heard all day, and it soothed his wounded heart slightly.

“Yes, I was immature and foolish before, even blunt and stupid,” Theodore admitted.

Rosalie shook her head. “No. You’re excellent, but even excellent people have flaws. You were overthinking your emotions. When you’re the main character in a situation, it’s easy to get confused. Everyone has moments of losing control or saying the wrong things. It’s not too late for you to understand this now.”

“Is it not too late? I already lost you.” For him, losing her was the line.

Rosalie didn’t know how to respond to this. It was indeed too late.

“Rose, do you still think that I orchestrated the attack on Sebastian? Or the attack on the other man, who ended up donating his heart?”


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