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Chasing My Pregnant Wife (Rosalie and Theodore) novel Chapter 60

Chapter 60 

Rosalie’s anger made Theodore uneasy, making him feel like a child who had been caught misbehaving

Worried that Rosalie might make herself sick with anger, Stephanie was about to comfort her friend, when suddenly, a voice broke the silence

Ms. Carter, I’m sorry.” 

Stephanie thought she had misheard, until she looked up and met the man’s apologetic gaze. Although he didn’t seem remorseful, the fact that he had apologized to her for Rosalie’s sake was already 

surprising enough

Stephanie was so surprised that she momentarily forgot how to respond. After a few seconds, she regained her composure and 


It’s alright.” 

As Rosalie’s close friend, she felt obligated to accept his apology, as it would put Rosalie in a difficult position if she didn’t

Ms. Carter, I meant to say that you don’t have to worry about Rose 

because I’m here. It’s late, so you should head home and rest,Theodore said, his voice noticeably calmer than before, resembling his usual composed self

Seeing one apologize and the other accept, Rosalie’s frustration 

eased a bit

Steph, you have work tomorrow, right? Go home and get some rest, okay? You’ve been a great help tonight. I’ll treat you to dinner next time.” 


No worries. You should also rest,Stephanie replied

Rosalie nodded. Be careful on your way back. Or do you want Theo to drop you off?” 

No need, I’ll manage. I drove myself anyway. Bye.” 

Stephanie left the hospital room, preferring not to have the man who resembled the Grim Reaper escorting her. However, instead of going home, she went straight to the oncall room to sleep, since she had an early shift the next day anyway and wanted to avoid the trouble of going back and forth

Theodore tucked Rosalie in and asked, What’s going on with your stomach? Why did it suddenly start hurting? Who’s your attending physician?” 

The food I’ve been eating lately probably didn’t agree with me and affected my digestion. It’s nothing serious,Rosalie replied nervously

She wasn’t sure how long she could keep hiding the truth from her husband. After all, it would only take one small slipup for it to be exposed

You came to the hospital last time, and now again. It seems to be getting worse. Have you been taking your medication properly?Theodore asked

Rosalie’s hands were sweating under the blanket. How was she going to explain everything

You know, a person’s mood can also affect their body,Rosalie reluctantly said. I’ve been feeling down lately, so it’s normal for my health to suffer. Maybe I’ll feel better after we get divorced.” 

Her words crushed Theodore’s heart, like someone had taken a hammer to it. He wanted to say something, but considering Rosalie’s current condition, he held back, deciding to wait until she recovered 

before discussing anything further

Rose, do you really want to get divorced from me as soon as possible?” 

Theodore’s words were devoid of anger. Instead, they were calm, as if he was just seeking clarification

As she gripped the blanket tightly, Rosalie nodded reluctantly. Why prolong her suffering if she could cut it short


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