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Chasing My Pregnant Wife (Rosalie and Theodore) novel Chapter 673

Silence hung in the air.

"We were chatting so happily that we forgot what's most important. I need to send the address to your husband. He must be waiting anxiously."

The man took out his phone, and began tapping on the screen.

Rosalie closed her eyes wearily, knowing that he wouldn't let her go. Pleading with him was useless.

After tapping on the phone for a while, the man put it back in his pocket. He then approached Laila, bound her tightly, and dragged her out.

"Where are you taking me?"

"Be quiet!" the man snapped.

Laila instinctively struggled, but the man, losing patience, struck her hard on the back of her head. Her vision went black, and she lost consciousness.

The man grabbed one of her legs, and dragged her out of the building.

Rosalie didn't know where he was taking Laila, and didn't hear any more sounds after that.


The sound of screeching brakes echoed in the empty space. As the tires ground to a halt, it kicked up dust from the ground.

The car door opened, and Theodore stepped out. In front of him was an abandoned factory, overgrown with weeds.

Guessing that Rosalie was inside, his breathing quickened. Just as he was about to go in, another screech of brakes was heard.

Theodore turned, and saw a sports car pulling up next to his. The door opened, and a man stepped out.

Theodore's expression darkened immediately.

Sebastian strode over, and said, "Theodore, what are you doing here?"

Chapter 673 1

Chapter 673 2

Chapter 673 3


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